Chapter 31 Confidence and Confessions

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*Warning this chapter deals with a very mature theme and may be disturbing to some people read at your own risk. None of the events portrayed in this story are real*

  (Y/s/n) sat up with Chris every night of the week as (y/n) went to practice flying. She was desperately trying to boost his confidence so he would ask her sister out and she could finally have a male role model in her life. This was something she desperately wanted ever since her father was murdered. So every night after training with Mindy and Dave, (y/n) went off to do her own thing and Chris and (y/s/n) sat in the living room. (Y/s/n) gave detailed descriptions of your past love life and what she was looking for in a partner, and the more Chris listened to (y/s/n) the more he realized that he was ,quote on quote, (y/n) type.
  As the days rolled on Mindy had spent quite a few hours with (y/n). The two women started to realize they had a little more in common with each other than they wanted to admit. Both had very strong wills and extreme devotion to family. *So (y/n) why did your father teach you how to fight?* Mindy asked hoping for a cool story of fatherly love. (Y/n) stopped everything and nervously looked at the ground. *I had a hard childhood Mindy, my mother was not the typical loving soul you would expect.* (Y/n) said in a low tone. Mindy stopped everything she was doing and gave her full attention to (y/n).
  *I never told (y/s/n) this and I don't want her to know about it ever. Can you keep my secret?* (Y/n) pleaded with Mindy. *I promise I can keep a secret (y/n).* Mindy said in all seriousness. *(Y/s/n) isn't my only sister and to top it all off she is only my half sister. We have different fathers.* Mindy's jaw dropped as she tried to comprehend the news that she had just received. *My mother had been married to another man before she met (y/s/n) father. I don't really remember my father too much.* (Y/n) commented nonchalantly
  *So what happened to your other sister? Does your father have her or something?* Mindy asked curiously shocked with the story (y/n) painted. (Y/n) sighed heavily. *My sister (y/s/n) was 6, I was 3. This was when I was just able to start remembering coherent details. My mother wanted to go out with a friend and left my sister and me with my father. Soon after she left my sister had began to cry. I thought nothing of it because of how young I was.* (Y/n) took a shaky breath. *My father had began to yell and I always hated when he would scream so, I curled up in a ball and threw a blanket over my head to block out the screaming and crying. Then it just... stopped.*
  Mindy's eyes widened as she realized what (y/n) was implying. *I herd my father stomping towards me and I just curled up and pretended to be asleep as he poked his head into my room and slowly closed and locked the door. The next thing I remember is the smoke I was too young to realize everything that was happening so I ran to the door and when I couldn't open it I just sat there in the smoke giving up and waited for someone to come for me. But as the time passed I started to black out from smoke inhalation and I woke up a day later in the hospital with only my mother waiting for me, the police never found my father and I had to have a closed casket funeral for my sister because she was so severely burned. About five years later my mom met my step dad and two years after that (y/s/n) was born. I vowed with every cell in my body that I wouldn't let anything happen to her and I delivered until Vanya came into our lifes.*
  Mindy walked over and enveloped (y/n) in a strong hug. *You are so much stronger than I thought you were. I'm so sorry for everything (y/n). It is an honor to work with you and I hope you can forgive me for doubting you.* (Y/n) hugged back. *I think I can find it in my heart to forgive you Mindy.* The two stood there embracing each other until they got both there emotions in check. To take there minds off the horrific details they set up a work out routine and committed to perfecting it and by the end of the night they were physically and emotionally exhausted. But they both completely trusted the other at long last.

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