A Colloquy with the Gods

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Hello, New chapter. Special Thanks to xrxsemaryx who posted a total of 51 comments and gave me the will to type this chapter. I also proofread and edited all the previous chapters because they had quite some errors (and also because I had forgotten whatever I had written)

Percy POV

As I entered the room I was immediately questioned regarding my adventures. The four-headed Brahma and the many-headed Vishnu were extremely curious regarding my adventures. I answered all their questions with as much detail I could provide. They seemed pretty amazed, though I am sure they were more amazed by the amount of work Greek Gods put on their children.

Once I finished with how Gaia was put back to sleep, the gods asked me about whatever I did after I disappeared. They asked me about my adventures during my hiding. I hesitated a bit when Chiron who somehow was standing next to me (did I ever mention he is extremely silent at times?) kept his hand on my shoulder. It gave me enough courage to start speaking. I took a deep breath and started-

"After I jumped into the lava, I heard Hestia's voice. 'If you ever got the chance, would you have become the champion of Hestia?' I wasn't thinking so I just said yes because the thought of it sounded nice.
When I entered the lava, I had expected it to slowly burn me since my water affinity slowed the burning process. Instead, the lava didn't even feel any different from water. I was confused. I assumed it was colder lava, so I tried to swim deeper into the magma." Chiron facepalmed.

"As I went deeper, it grew warmer, when suddenly I was transported to a bright room. In front of me stood Hestia. She walked towards me and raised her hand to pat me. (She didn't reach my head though she had to make me bend a little) She then made me understand what the situation at that time was. "The Godly council was called and Zeke was sentenced to punishment. Everyone had realized their mistakes and was completely regretting their actions. Hestia had asked me if I wanted to return to the place that had once disowned me. I declined. Hestia then explained to me that I had become her champion, so I could control fire. Not pyro kinesis like Hephaestus' spawn, but rather fire control. At first, I failed to understand this power, and Hestia was unwilling to explain. She just told me my other powers were more on the non-fighting side, like peace-making and household chores like cooking and stuff. While under normal conditions it wouldn't mean much, since I had nowhere to go, I would spend my time camping a lot. Hestia then told me to adventure around and discover the limits of my powers. After that, I headed out on a journey around the world."

"And why didn't you tell anyone else about it....?" Chiron questioned.
"Um, I forgot. Oops."
Chiron gave up, while the other two deities chuckled.

"Would you mind if we asked you about your adventures?" Vishnu probed calmly, still slightly smiling.

I continued-
"Well, I just travelled around the world, first going to real Greece to understand powers from Poseidon and Hestia. I spent about one and a half years in Greece. I had to keep a low profile since I didn't want the Gods to sense me there. I mastered all my techniques as much as I could and moved from there as soon as possible since Hestia gave me a warning that the Gods had started feeling my presence. I had gained enough knowledge about myself so I was able to move out easily. I could freely move and produce and move water and will. There was no longer a downfall to it. I could even make a slight protective layer of water around my body which could potentially act as a pseudo-Curse of Achilles.
I also finally figured out what fire ability I had received from Hestia. As it says I could only control fire. If I found even the smallest source of fire, I could infinitely magnify the size of the flame and control it like I controlled water. Controlling the flames wasn't a difficult task since I was used to controlling the water, and flames were barely any different. I started carrying a lighter around with me so that I could easily create a source of flame for me to use. I trained using fire and water at the same time till I was efficient at it. As soon as I received the message from Hestia, I moved out of Greece and proceeded to Norway, to learn the Nordic ways.

Hestia had said that the Norse gods had also shifted to America. I learned a bit about their mythology and learned their way of using weapons. I then proceeded to Egypt after a year, to learn a bit about Egyptian stuff. Again, the Egyptians had moved to America. I learned whatever the Egyptians had to offer and left after a span of half a year. The Egyptians mainly offered magical prowess so I didn't have any new weapons.

After that, I left for China. I learned hand-to-hand combat skills like Kung Fu I also discovered much new weaponry. Like spears and crescent blades. I even finally was able to use a bow, just enough that the arrow now goes straight."

Chiron gasped. The idea of me handling a bow scared even him.

"I left China within half a year and finally went to Japan. I acquired their katana-style sword fighting as well as martial arts like jujutsu and karate. I even practised archery on horseback and throwing weapons like shuriken and kunai. Another half a year and I came back to America, though under a shadow so I wasn't discovered. I had acquired stealth from the Japanese and used it to hide in America, along with Hestia's help.

After that, I stayed in hiding while helping demigods in need all over the country. Sometimes I hid in Alaska, while other times, Canada and Mexico hide from the Gods. It was until Artemis found me and I was stuck here."

Chiron shook his head then asked, "What was the point of learning so many weapons when you don't have them here with you, and no one in America probably has them with them either?"

"Ah wait, I forgot I hadn't told anyone about them." I then pulled out my necklace with the camp beads. Chiron looked surprised when he saw that my necklace had more than four beads. "What-?" Chiron began to question when I cut him off and explained "You see, Chiron when I was in Egypt, they enchanted my necklace so that it will repair itself and the beads if lost, will come back to it. They also taught me this one magical technique to convert my weapons to beads. It's difficult to use and gives me a headache so I don't convert every weapon I see. I only converted a set of bows and arrows, an axe from Nordic regions, a set of kunai and shuriken from japan, and a spear and crescent blade from China. I just kept the bow for just in case I run out of shuriken and kunai."

I looked up at Vishnu and Brahma, who was staring at me. "You, my son, have suffered more than anyone of your age should ever suffer from," Brahma stated. "Allow me to question you one last question, was it you, who entered the Indian subcontinent a few months back?" I nodded, surprised at the fact they were able to tell that. "I believe you saw a monstrosity there?" I gulped. Just remembering that monstrosity gave me shivers. "That was Shiva. This is the state he has been reduced to by Chaos. He is the entity of destruction. Just opening one blink of his eyes could annihilate the entirety of this universe"

"Wait what, then how are we even supposed to fight such an opponent"

Vishnu smirked, "Lucky for us, he is out of control. He seems to be unable to control his powers well, thus weakening himself."

I sighed but my moment of relief was soon taken was when Brahma said "that doesn't mean we can rest easy. We have to fight and stop Chaos and Shiva before they cause too much destruction. Because in the end, even a weakened Shiva is a being of destruction."

I stood up. The two deities stood up. "Now Percy, please let us ask you for help. You Greeks are possibly the only thing that can stop Shiva now. We will provide as much as we can, but you know it as well, we can't interfere in mortal affairs too much. We can only help by sending avatars, but my last avatar, Kalki is doesn't seem to be any close by."

I nodded and walked out of the room. We had started at lunchtime, and it was night already. I to my cabin not wanting to eat, still wondering about the war that was yet to come. 

Anyway, I'll hopefully upload it soon. Please like the story if you liked it and please leave a comment if you find any plothole (I bet there are several) or any other problem(like grammatical errors or other mistakes) you have with the story. I will look into everything. (on that note, I edited and corrected the grammar of all the previous chapters the comments may have been moved to the bottom of the chapter)

Happy New Year

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