23. Jolt of electricity

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Chapter 23: Jolt of electricity

Ellie's POV


"You like Blake," he muttered, shaking his head as if in disbelief. "I should've known you liked Blake."

My eyes widened, and I looked at Adam in confusion, wanting to get some form of explanation as to why Dylan was acting that way. He looked hurt, and I didn't know why. Or, I didn't want to accept the reason which first came to mind. 

Adam looked at me and then at Dylan before sighing and giving him a nod. It seemed to me as if Adam knew something I didn't, and I was starting to get frustrated by the minute. Those guys had become almost like brothers to me, and I did not want there to be any secrets between us. Especially not secrets which could ruin our dynamic. 

"I'll leave you two to talk," Adam said before grabbing his cup and walking out of the kitchen, leaving me there with Dylan and a couple of other people who were drinking and hogging the snacks. 

I could feel the tension in the air between the two of us, and it seemed as if Dylan didn't want to look at me. He just knelt down and wiped the lemonade which had spilled from the bottle he dropped. 

"You'll need a broom for that," I said as I noticed him trying to pick up the glass with the cloth, fearing that he would end up hurting himself with it. 

"Thanks," he muttered as he got up and cleaned the cloth with water before opening one of the larger cabinets and taking out a broom and a shovel to clean it up. 

"Dylan," I said, hoping that I could get him to look at me. "What's going on?" I asked as I took a step near him, only for him to take a step back. 

Seeing him act so coldly towards me broke my heart. Dylan was one of the sweetest, funniest guys I had ever met, and I didn't want there to be any weirdness between us. 

"It's not important anymore," he said finally looking at me. 

I sighed, knowing that we weren't going to be getting anywhere if I didn't get straight to the point. The only way for that awkwardness which had suddenly engulfed us to disappear was if we talked to each other, and it was clear that Dylan wasn't planning in doing so whatsoever. 

"Dylan, do you have feelings for me?" I hesitantly asked, my cheeks heating up the moment I said those words. 

I hoped that I was wrong, and that Dylan was not upset because he heard me tell Adam that I liked Blake. Not once had I ever noticed any form of hint that Dylan might like me, yet then again some people hide their feelings very well. I for one like to do so. 

"I said it's not important anymore," he snapped, making the few people around us turn to look at us. 

I had not expected him to snap at me like that. He never yelled at anyone, and I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes as I saw him acting that way towards me. 

"It is important," I pressed. "It's important because if we don't talk about this, our relationship will be ruined. I love our relationship, Dylan. I'm not ready to let it slip away," I said, hoping that my words would touch him slightly and convince him to tell me the truth. 

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