35. My person

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Chapter 35: My person 

Ellie's POV


My mouth hung open as I processed what Blake had just dumped on me. I was shocked, with no clue on what to say or how to react. Kyla was my friend, and what Blake had just told me was huge.

I knew that there was no way I could ever tell her what he had just shared with me. It was not my place to do so. But she deserved to know. Nobody should have their past hidden, especially not someone like Kyla.

"No, that's not fair Blake," I told him as I slightly scooted away from him with a shake of the head. "You can't just throw something like that at me. You can't."

Blake was my boyfriend, but Kyla had become one of my closest friends. I had no idea how I was supposed to keep looking her in the eye knowing that I was holding a secret like that from her. I had never understood why people decided not to tell somebody they were adopted.

Of course, I was never in that situation, but I still never found it fair. Kyla deserved to know the truth, and I hated having to keep all of that away from her.

Blake sighed as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. His eyes were begging, and I could tell that he was afraid.

"Of course I won't tell her," I told him as relief washed over him. "But only because I want you to. I can't be a part of this Blake, I'm sorry. Kyla is my friend, and I can't keep something so big from her. You know I hate lying. You saw how destroyed I was after I had to lie to my parents. Why would you dump that on me?"

I knew that Blake never meant for any harm, but I was furious. He did not stop to think of how that would have affected me.

"I'm so sorry Ellie, I wasn't thinking. I just hated having to keep secrets from you," he said, reaching for my hand.

I pulled my hand as if instinctively, dropping my gaze to my lap. It was unfair from my part, but I could not even get myself to look at him. I had so many things to worry about, and Blake dropped that bomb on me. Normally, I would never call other people's secrets a burden on me. I loved to help, no matter what was going on in my life, but what Blake had told me was too much.

I hated the fact that I was going to have to be around Kyla, knowing that she thinks that her mother was the one who gave birth to her, when in reality she was not. Kyla and Blake's mother was one of the sweetest people I had ever met, and I was glad that she was the one who adopted her. Kyla's family constantly went out of their way to protect her, and I knew that they thought they were doing so by keeping all of that a secret, but it did not remove the fact that she was missing out on knowing about where she came from.

Everybody deserved to know the truth about their past, and Kyla was not an exception. I knew that if I had been adopted, I would have wanted to know the truth.

"I know, I messed up," he whispered, the sadness etched in his voice making me look up at him. "But I couldn't keep it in anymore, Ellie. You don't think it's hard for me to lie to my sister everyday? My parents didn't want her to know because they thought she would ask too many questions that they couldn't answer, and break her heart. Now, they won't tell her because she's older and they're afraid she would take it even worse."

"So you're just going to lie to her for the rest of her life?" I asked him, my heart aching for Kyla.

"What else can I do?" Blake asked, looking utterly defeated.

I felt terrible for him. I knew that he didn't want to lie to her, much like how I didn't. The situation was a tough one, and Blake was still a kid. He did not have to carry that burden with him his entire life, and even if I was mad that he told me, I could tell that he really needed to tell someone.

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