40. The truth

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Chapter 40: The truth

Ellie's POV


Hanging out with Jordan was not as bad as I thought it would be. It helped that I already knew him, allowing us to avoid the awkward situation where we had to pretend that we liked each other even if we had only just met.

Jordan had always been a nice guy, and it was not his fault that I had resented him so much in the past.

I was grateful towards him for telling James that Blake's jacket was actually his. As far as James was concerned, the thing between Blake and I was just based on rumours. I did not want to know how he would react if he knew for a fact that we were together. It was clear that he already suspected something, but suspicion is all I wanted it to remain as.

"Thank you for the jacket thing," I told him, trying to break the silence that had suddenly befallen us ever since we got finished eating from one of the food stalls.

"I've got your back," he said, smiling down at me. "Is that Blake's?"

I looked at him in shock, not knowing how I was supposed to answer him. If Jordan had just met the guys and already knew about Blake and I, then it was no surprise that the fans would have caught on too.

"I see how he looks at you," he explained as he noticed my flabbergasted look. "And he wasn't exactly the friendliest to me when we met."

I looked down, trying to search my brain for the right thing to say. Blake and I hadn't even confirmed our relationship to Dylan and Adam yet, even if the two probably already knew. They were Blake's best friends, and they knew him better than anybody. I don't think that they would not catch on if Blake was dating somebody.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me," he said, nudging me lightly, still smiling. "But I guess now I know better why we're doing this, even if I don't understand the reasoning behind it."

"Neither do I," I told him. "James went crazy after some fans posted videos of Blake and I, before we even got together. Guess that's how the music business works."

Jordan nodded, letting out a sigh before stuffing his hands in his pockets. He looked into the distance pensievely, as if trying to decide whether or not to say something.

"Guess if you're being honest with me, then it's my turn to tell you the truth," he said, still not looking at me. "But I need you to promise me to not get mad. I swear that I had nothing to do with it."

"Jordan, what is it?" I asked as I stopped walking, making him look at me.

I did not like the tone of his voice, and I was afraid to see where he was going with it.

"I overheard my manager talking with James," he said, dropping his gaze to the floor. "My manager knew that Noah used to train me, which is why they wanted me to be your fake boyfriend. James hoped that being with someone you already knew, would make you actually fall in love with me."

"And you went along with it even after finding out the truth?" I asked him, my voice raising slightly, making people look at us.

"You know as much as I do that I could not say no," he said, bringing his voice down, taking my hands in his to not let people know that we were having a slight argument.

"You could have at least told me before," I said, calming down slightly.

I didn't know why I was so angry at Jordan. It was not his fault that both our managers were manipulating us. I needed to find someone to be angry at, someone who could not ruin my career like James could. Jordan seemed like the perfect fit to receive my anger, even if he did not deserve it.

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