3. Heart to Hart

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Chapter 3: Heart to Hart

Ellie's POV


Strumming my guitar with the beat, Dylan's garage was flooded with our music, each of our instruments harmonising with each other's and with Blake's euphonious singing.

Standing there playing my guitar with the guys was like a dream come true. I could never get tired of calling them my band mates, and I could never get tired of thinking about the fact that I, Ellie Walker, actually managed to get myself in a band thanks to my own talent. 

It wasn't because of the fact that everyone loved my brother's and just handed me the spot, but it was because I actually deserved it. 

It's not everyday that you hear of a girl being accepted into a boy band, but there I was, making my own mark in the world. 

"That was amazing Ellie, you really learned those songs well," the drummer, Adam tells me as he high fives me, making me smile cheerfully at the compliment.

Many would think that being in a band with only boys would be overwhelming, and I would have thought the exact same thing a couple of days ago. 

Those three boys were the epitome of fun. I had never felt more accepted than when I joined the band, and no one had ever managed to make me laugh the way these boys could. 

Adam, the drummer of the band, was also seen as the mother of the group. He was like the glue that kept us all together. He knew how to laugh and how to crack a joke, but when it was time for us to get serious, he would be the first one to get us all up on our feet, and was also the one who had the capabilities of solving all of the problems that the band might encounter, be it with the press, with management, with the fans. If there's a problem, Adam will always be there to try and solve it. 

Setting your eyes on him for the first time, you would never, not even in a million years, combine these characteristics to his features. With his perfectly shaped jawline and disheveled hair which almost no one can pass off almost as good as he does, anyone who meets him would instantly assign him the characteristics of a typical player, the kind which would leave a girl heart broken with just one press of a button. 

What those people might not realise, however, would be how sweet and thoughtful he really is, not even having the capability of hurting a fly due to the fear of taking it away from the family which are patiently waiting to see it again.

Dylan the bass player, on the other hand, was the group clown, always goofing around without a care in the world. He always found a way to try and lighten the mood, and always came up with the stupidest, yet funniest jokes that anyone could possibly muster, his cheeky grin defining his cheekbones, highlighting how gorgeous his features are. Most of the time he would find himself in his own world, completely oblivious to what was happening around him, thinking about anything and everything except for the matter at hand, but that was what made him himself, and I for one would not want him to change for anything in the world. When you come from a group of friends as serious as mine are, you would need someone like him in your life.

And last but not least, Blake, the lead singer, and the heartthrob of the group. His voice could make anyone hearing it captivated in an instant. When he would sing, you couldn't just look away or avert your attention to anywhere else. He had huge, gorgeous brown eyes which had the ability to draw a person a in, complimenting his beautiful dark skin perfectly. His pearly white smile was enough to brighten up the room, making you want to smile along with him, no matter how bad of a day you could be having. 

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