9. Cinderellie

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Chapter 9: Cinderellie

Ellie's POV


It's crazy how quickly things happen. One second I'm just a normal girl with a normal boyfriend and best friend, and the next I'm the lead guitarist of a boy band, with my boyfriend and best friend not in my life anymore. 

And if that is not eventful enough, life hits me with another one. 

"What do you mean they think I got fired?" I asked Blake after he hit me with the very unexpected news. 

He didn't even give me time to properly enter the rehearsal room we had in the house before he told me that a bunch of the guys' fans have been going crazy at the fact that I was apparently fired from the band. 

That piece of information felt to me as if it were defeating the purpose of our gig. The gig where I was supposed to prove myself to both the fans and the producers. 

"It's because of Hart," Adam said, placing his phone in front of my face for me to see the article which was written on it. 

Grabbing the phone from his hands, I skimmed through Jay Hart's latest article. The latest article full of lies and baseless rumors. 

'We all know Ellie Walker wasn't initially accepted by the fandom of local band 'Midnight Flight'. What most of you probably don't know is that it wasn't only the fans who weren't happy with Ellie's performance. A reliable source told us that the music producers were against Ellie being in the band, leading to their manager firing her immediately.'

"Reliable source my butt," I angrily said, handing Adam his phone back after having finished reading the whole load of lies Jay Hart had prepared for everyone. 

I didn't know why everyone seemed to have it against me, but if anyone believed Hart's words, they were certainly in for a surprise. I had no intentions of getting kicked out of the band. That was the sole reason I was even working that hard. 

"Okay, I know you're mad," Blake started, taking a couple of steps towards me before stepping right in front of me, a serious look in his face. "But this could be a good thing for us. I already have a plan."

I wasn't sure how Blake's plan was going to help me fit in with everybody, but there was nothing else left for me to do except to trust him. 

One thing about Blake was that he was very convincing when he wanted to be, and no matter how crazy his ideas sounded, he always found a way to make people feel reassured that they would work. 

That was exactly why I had a good feeling about it. 

It took us a couple of hours to go over the songs we were going to be playing at the gig. After finding out that I was 'kicked out of the band', we quickly sold out. That meant that a lot of people were planning on going to see us play. Some were going out of excitement at the fact that I was no longer in the picture, some were going to see who the new lead guitarist was, and others were going to see whether or not I was truly kicked out of the band. 

That in itself was a part of Blake's plan. None of the guys went on social media to address the subject, nor did they reply to any of the numerous messages they got, asking them whether I was still in the band. They wanted people to go. To watch me play. 

"Now that our rehearsal's done, it's time to think about part two of my plan," Blake said, clapping his hands and rubbing them together, a mischievous smile on his face.

There was just something about Blake's positive attitude that made me smile, that gave me hopes that everything was going to be okay. That after spending so much time fighting, I was finally going to be accepted. 

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