12. Goodbye to my phobia

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Chapter 12: Goodbye to my phobia

Ellie's POV


There are some things in life which come unexpectedly, and the same could be said for people. Looking around us, we often realise that most of our friendships come in the most unexpected of ways-and the same could be said for Blake and I. One second I was hitting him in the nose with a door, and the next I was clutching his hand for dear life as we slid down a zip line, one next to the other. 

I had practically grown up with a fear of heights, never wanting to look down when I was climbing stairs or when I was on a hill of some sort. The funny thing? As I was gliding down with Blake, I was left breathless, but not out of fear. Having been so afraid of heights, I had never allowed myself to look down at any scenery. I couldn't help but stand in awe at how beautiful everything looked beneath me. The crystal clear river running beneath me, and the trees, with their leaves touching my legs. Right then and there, I felt as if I were the queen of the world. 

A day which I thought would end with me having a mental breakdown because of my fear of heights, ended up to be the day where I was finally able to bid goodbye to my phobia. I wanted to be able to give Blake an amazing birthday, and I ended up achieving something much greater. 

"That was amazing," I said with a huge smile as we got down of the zip line. "It was such a rush, I felt like I was flying."

Blake smiled at me, his eyes never leaving my face as he was probably taking in my joyful look. I felt great. My heart was beating fast, and I still feared that I would end up falling, but the excitement I felt was triumphant over all of that. 

"I told you this place is magical," he chuckled as he took off his helmet and clutching it in his hands. 

"It's more than that," I said, looking around me and taking in the beautiful landscape which I hadn't noticed before. That was the thing with fears. They always kept you from seeing the beauty around you, and when I was finally able to get over it, everything looked so much brighter. 

"You know, I thought that coming here with you would make my day great, but seeing you smile like that is even better," he said with a dimpled smile. 

I searched his face, wanting to try and find any signs of a joke-but there was nothing. He looked at me in all seriousness, his eyes shining brightly as his eyes locked with mine. The only friend I had ever had was Leah. I was always so proud of her whenever she achieved something great, but I wasn't used to having someone be proud of me in that same way. She didn't even congratulate me once when I was chosen to be in the band, and instead she asked me how I had managed to get in to a boy band when I was clearly not a boy. Yet there was Blake, being proud of me for overcoming my fear of heights. 

My afternoon with Blake was spectacular and he was nothing but supportive of me. When it came to wall climbing, he told me to cover my eyes and to listen to his voice instead, trusting in him completely. I was skeptical to do so, but he had never given me a reason not to trust him. That was why I chose to do exactly what he told me, and after a lot of screams, I managed to make it to the top and ring the bell. 

I had grown up to think that only family could be supportive, but everyone in the band had certainly proved me wrong. Sometimes I missed having Leah around to talk to, and I knew that I could have gone back to that any time I wanted to. That was how Leah was, she instigates a fight and then waits for a person to apologise. Every time we fought, I was always the one who had to go crawling back to her. I had tried to talk to her multiple times, but the guys had always stopped me. I used to get mad at them at first, but what they were doing was for my own good. 

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