15. Closer than necessary

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Chapter 15: Closer than necessary

Ellie's POV


Kyla just stood there in front of the piano, a small smile playing on her lips as her eyes shifted to the ground, clearly uncomfortable with any type of eye contact. I smiled at her and got up from the seat I was on, slowly walking closer to her, careful not to get too close and to not make her feel uncomfortable. 

"If you did write this song then congratulations Kyla, it's incredible. I wish I had your talents," I honestly said, her eyes meeting mine properly for the first time since I met her, a grin forming on her face. 

"Thank you but you don't have to lie to me," she said, making my eyebrows scrunch in confusion. "Your singing, gosh Ellie you're amazing."

I smiled at her, my cheeks turning slightly pink at her compliment. I was never one to be good at accepting compliments, especially not when it was about something which I was so self conscious about. 

"You sound like you've never heard yourself sing," I replied, still in awe of how amazing she sounded. 

I would have never imagined that she had a voice like that, and it was really fun singing with her. It was crazy just how well our voices went together, and I found myself wanting to sing with her again. 

She smiled and was about to say something before she turned her head to the right, her eyes widening slightly before looking back down at the ground. Following her gaze I quickly noticed Blake leaning on the door frame, an adorable smile painted on his lips as his shining eyes were glued on his sister, a look of pride on his face. He moved off of the wall as his eyes briefly met mine right before slowly walking over to us. 

"Lala, did you actually write that song?" Blake softly said, his fingers clipping his sister's chin before bringing her head up so she could look at him. 

I could see her visibly gulp, her breathing suddenly becoming ragged before she looked at me then back at her brother, our questioning clearly panicking her. Seeing her so nervous made me feel bad for her, and I was about to tell Blake to drop it before she took a deep breath and looked up at her brother, nodding her head slowly at his question. 

"I wrote it back when I was at dad's and brought it here with me, hoping that I could play it when nobody was around. Guess I must have forgotten it here this time round," she softly said. 

"Why didn't you ever tell me that you could write so well?" He asked her, his voice so gentle and sweet that it made me smile at how cute and caring he sounded. 

"I didn't know if you'd like it."

Standing amidst that conversation, I suddenly started feeling out of place. I felt as if I had no right to be there, listening in on that conversation which seemed to be so intimate and personal. They both turned to look at me as soon as I told them that I was going to be giving them some privacy, Kyla quickly shaking her head. 

"No, please stay," she said. "You know Ellie, hearing you sing my song actually made me enjoy my own creation, something which I had never been able to do before." I could tell that she was making a lot of effort to keep her eyes on my face, something which she seemingly was often uncomfortable with doing, even when it came to her own brother. 

I smiled at her and shook my head, wanting to find the perfect words to say to make her believe more in herself. There were so many people who thought of themselves as song writers after playing around with their computer a little bit and then writing a couple of words on paper. What Kyla did was so much more magical than that. She wrote a song out of nothing but a blank piece of paper and notes on the piano, allowing her to create one of the most beautiful melodies I had ever heard.

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