27. Blood turned cold

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Chapter 27: Blood turned cold

Ellie's POV


I woke up the next morning to the sound of a text message. Rubbing my eyes with a slight groan, I picked up my phone, checking the time. My eyes widened as I realised that I had forgotten to set an alarm so that I wouldn't be late to the meeting. I hated it whenever James called us in for a meeting on Sundays, and having to wake up at seven after having stayed up so late the previous night was no walk in the park either. 

A smile formed on my face as I read Blake's text, a bubbling feeling forming in my stomach as I replied to him. 

I had a feeling you'd forget to set an alarm after you were so tired yesterday, so wake up Stumblebum, we have a meeting with the chief. Bet you're excited for it. Sure you wouldn't want to miss it.

How could I not be excited knowing that he's probably going to yell at us for playing that song.

All of the memories from the previous night came rushing back to me, and I shook my head slightly. I could not believe that so much had happened in just a couple of hours. I went from helping Kyla stay, to going out with Luke, to finding out Dylan liked me, defying James and playing the song, finding out that Luke was gay, and then to making out with Blake in the car. 

I found myself even more fearful for what James was going to tell us. He had warned Blake and I that if we didn't find a way to control the rumours, he would have to take care of them himself. I had absolutely no idea what that meant, and I also did not want to find out. 

My phone buzzed as a shiver ran down my spine at the thought, the new message from Blake being able to suddenly lift my mood as I nearly squealed in excitement. 

He had finally decided to introduce Kyla to Dylan and Adam, and I could not be happier about that. If Kyla was going to stick around, they were going to find out about her sooner or later, especially since she was going to be enrolling in our school. 

I did not want Kyla to end up alone, and Dylan and Adam were probably two of the best guys in school. They were kind and genuine, and I knew that they would instantly accept her. I knew how hard it was going to be for Blake, especially since he was so protective over her. I also knew how surprised Dylan and Adam were going to be to find out that Blake had a sister he never told them about. 

Blake was scared that they would feel betrayed, and that they would get mad at him for not having told them before. That was why I needed to be there to support him. 

Placing my phone on the bedside table with a yawn, I got up from my bed and walked over to my closet to get ready for the meeting, before a knock on my door made me pause in what I was doing. 

I smiled as Noah and Ethan popped their heads in my room, with grins on both of their faces. 

"What did you guys do?" I asked, finding their wide grins slightly suspicious. 

"Nothing," Noah said as they walked in and sat on my bed, both of them looking at me. 

I scrunches my eyebrows in confusion as I walked towards them with my hands on my hips. Their attitude was certainly weird, and I felt myself starting to get creeped out by their smiles.

"It's just, we're leaving today," Ethan said, making me frown. 

"But you just got here,"  I said as I went to sit down in between them, my gaze moving from Noah to Ethan. 

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