Ch 45

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Edited: 1/17/18
I walked into the hospital to see Ana once again. I've seen her at least 4 times a day and she's been in the hospital for 2 days. I was getting ready to go see her and then my phone ranged.

Unknown: Ana is the curious one she would not stop messaging me. She deserved it anyways.

I simply ignored it. I grabbed my keys and opened the door.

"I'll be back" I yelled to whoever was in the house.

"Ok" I heard Lauren and Adren yell.

I closed the door behind me and walked to my car.

I got in and started the engine. I started driving to what felt like 30 mins.


I got to the hospital and noticed I had a message.

Unknown: I'd hurry up if I was you.

I ignored it once again. My phone vibrated in my hand I stopped and looked at it.

Unknown: ignoring wouldn't make things better it would make things work.

What else am I suppose to do?  I started up my speed I kept looking behind me I finally got inside the hospital.

Unknown: bye bitch

I ignored it because who ever was texting me couldn't do nothing to me. There was at least 2 officers and a lot of nurses and doctors.

I walked more into the hospital I was about to ask where Ana's room was but then I heard a bang and a sharp pain. My body was weak and I could hardly breathe.

Suddenly I heard a scream 'Andrea' I couldn't get up to see who it was. But then the figure came close to me and it was Ana. she started screaming and panicking I told her to calm down. Suddenly she told the doctors to take me away and she had her jaw clenched. she let go of my hand the doctors took me sway. I heard screaming coming from Ana but I don't know who she was screaming at.

"Miss how did this happen?" A women named Jackie told me.

"I-i-i don't -" I could barely speak my eyes were shutting but I was fighting.

"Its okay you're gonna be fine you just push yourself and we will do the rest" she grabbed my hand. I nodded. Suddenly my eyes shut and I had no strength. I woke up and I was laying on the ground I stood up and had no idea what was going on as I stood up I looked around and saw a room; not just any room a hospital room. (trying to make this a little like if I stay so credits to that if you haven't seen it here's a little description I watching it right now so)

I had a support thing over my mouth and nose. I was wearing blue and so were the doctors and nurses around me. There was one nurse that stood out she was holding on to my hand and I saw her bend down to me.

"If you stay if you don't its all up to you" she whispered to me. I heard her perfectly but why would she be telling me that? She'd say that if I was in bad condition right?

I started screaming "SOMEONE HELP ME" but no one could hear me.

I ran around the hospital and stopped when I saw Kian standing in front of Ana and She was on Matt's arms. Her eyes were close. Then two doctors came and took her away I followed them.

I grabbed her hand.

"Call dr.smith" one doctor said to another.
Suddenly nurses and docters started filling in the room so I left and ran to go look for Matt and Kian. I found them hurting each other.

"Stop" I yelled but they didn't two more doctors came and took Kian.

I ran back to my room and there was docters and nurses. The same nurse was right next to me she but something around my neck.

"Gods gonna help you and you will get through this" she said to me. What's actually going on.

Suddenly everything around me went black and I know I was sleeping once again.

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