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Edited: 1/17/18

"What do you remember seeing before you knocked out?" The detective asked me. I had Matt on my right holding my hand.

"I dont know i remember telling Snicker my dog to go get Matt then i heard matt telling him to shut up so i lost hope and i guess i started to freak out and then im here." I told the detective truthfully.

"Do you know why?" She asked me. I shook my head.

"do you want us to find out the reason?" She keeps annoying me.

"no im sure" I replied honestly i dont want them to see the text messages.

"okay well goodnight and take care." She said and walked out the door.

when she left I turned my head and looked at Matt he was already staring at me.

"What?" I asked him with a smile.

"im sorry for no-" I cut him off.

"Its okay Matt its not your fault you didnt know." i told him.

"how did the door closed by its self, i mean why couldnt you get out?" Matt asked me.

"I dont know. i know i kept pushing and pulling. i was probably just pushed, I probably was just forgot to catch up on my breathing of air i forgot. i dont know it was all too fast." I told him. Mentally palming myself.

"okay well im going to bathroom" he said then my phone vibrated on the table.

"wait Matt can you get me my phone please." he walked back and grabbed it.

"thank you" i told him and he kissed my forehead.

"i love you." i told him again.

"i love you more." he told me.



"NO" he faught back i laughed.

"i love you bye im going to waste my weewee." he ran to the bathroom and i blurt out laughing. I looked at my phone and saw the message.

wow lying to a detective that's not good.

you told me if i told. you would hurt Jenn

Good Girl Now feel better Make sure the guys dont find out.


With that i deleted the messages then watched as Matt got out of the bathroom and walked back to the spot.

He sat on the chair.

"Matt sit with me here." I said patting the seat next to me.

"Fine but don't get me excited." I slapped his arm as he laughed. He layed down next to me.

"Eww no Matt if i see something growing right there" I pointed at his pants" what the hell Matt" I yelled as i saw him growing.

"Stop get off the bed we're not doing it here." I told him.

"Ill just wait till you get out ." He whispered in my ear.

"you wish Espinosa good luck with that." i looked straight into his eyes.

"Nahh i dont need it." He told me

"Stop dont be a tease i want my kiss." Matt said grabbing my hands from blocking my face.

"No Matt stop." I said laughing.

"No give me a kiss." I kept taking my head away from him.

The door opened i looked at who it was and it was the doctor.

"Okay Mrs.Espinosa you are now free to go." The docter said. I nodded.

"Hey did you bring me a bag with clothes?" I asked Matt considering ive been here for 2 days. He threw me a bag. The doctor finished unhooking me from the machines and Matt signed me out. I walked out the bathroom and Matt was sitting on my bed. Then I realized something.

"Matt why did the doctor say Mrs. Espinosa?" I looked at him with my left arm on my left hip.

"Oh about that. I dont know how to spell your name and i just wanted to see you fast so i just put your name as espinosa." He smiled.

"AWWee its cute i love it." I said to him truthfully.

"Can i have my kiss now?" He asked with his lips puckered.

"Fine" I looked staright into his eyes then we both leaned in to kiss but before we touch each others lips we heard a "Bang"

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