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(Shhh let it happen that's Adrian Marcel so yeah)
Edited: 1/20/18


I was crying on Matt's sweater I can't believe I have 3 other siblings that I didn't even know were the same blood as me.

"Then why did you take me and then why did you decide do save us all of a sudden" I yelled at Adrian.

"Ana they were orders" he said looking at me he had tears in his eyes.
He stopped the car and parked it at the McDonalds by our house.

How were we already home?

"We will talk about this later I'll be back Carter do you want to come?" He asked looking at Carter.

"No Adrian! You can just without telling us why!" I yelled at him.

Cameron got out so carter could get out.

"Ana we will discuss this later" and with that he slammed the door shut.

I saw Adrian's iPhone Charger plugged in so I plugged my iPhone 6 plus in.

I looked at Cameron I let go of Matt and sat on Cameron's lap I swung my arms around his neck he hold me tight around me as well

"So has my life been a whole lie?" Cameron asked me looking upset.

"No not all of it not till the point where you met Jenn and when we were together as a big family." I said tightening my grip.

"I still wanted to know why he decided to take us away from that place" I asked I looked at Matt. He had tears in his eyes. I sat back in his lap and hugged him.

"I'm so happy I'm back with you I miss your arms" I said to Matt.

"I'm happy I have Cameron as my big brother you were always my brother no matter what Cameron" I said holding his hand.

"Matt if you hurt her I swear" Cameron said lightening up the mood and it worked.

Carter and Adrian came back with 8 big bags of McDonalds. Wow that's a lot .

Cameron scooted to the middle so Carter can get in Adrian finally came in the car and gave Cameron the bags.

"Hey Adrian could you take me to Walgreen's real fast?" I asked him.

"Sure I guess how much money will you need" he asked

" a 20 is fine" I said to him he nodded and went straight to Walgreen's he gave me a 30.

"Get some sodas" I nodded and hopped out of Matt's lap.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with" Matt asked.

"No I'm fine I'll be back promise" I gave him a quick kiss on the lip which ended up being 2 minutes.

"Hurry up love birds" Adrian said and I giggled I let go of Matt and gave him a peck on the lips and left. I closed the door behind me. And ran inside.

I ran to the pregnancy aisle and looked for 3 different test. I grabbed 3 which were 5 dollars each and then the sodas were 3 for 10$ so I grabbed 3 boxes and then I grabbed a big bag of hot cheetos I need my food.

The total was 28$ exact. I got 2 dollars in return the pregnancy tests and my chips were put in a bag then I carried the 3 boxes of soda they weren't heavy. I finally got to the car.

I opened the passenger door and put the sodas there and got in the back and sat on Matt's lap again.

"Oh and Matt hurt my little sister I swear I wi-"

"Adrian he's fine don't worry" I said grabbing my hot cheetos I opened the bag and Carter put his hand in my bag and I smacked it right away.

I looked at my phone and it turned on.

"I missed my phone! MY MUSIC" I yelled opening up my music app right away I put My favorite song ever. I popped a hot Cheeto in my mouth and pressed play.

I began singing and Matt kept staring at me.

"Guys we are home" Adrian said. Oh my god let's go leave everything here we will be back Cam go run to your girl." I said he rushed out of the car not even locking the door.

I also ran to the house and when I opened Jenn and Cam were kissing I saw Kayla.

"OH MY GOD! Kayla you're ok I missed you so much!" I said hugging her.

"Oh my god Ana you're okay I'm so happy nothing happened to you" she said hugging me again.

I let her go and saw Andrea.

"OH MY GOD ANDREA I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" I yelled hugging her tight.

I looked around and everyone was here all 9 guys together and Dominik Bryce mikey And Chris Lauren (Lauren Elizabeth). Everyone was hugging Cameron Carter Matt and I.

Cameron never let go of Jenn.

"Ana oh my god I missed you so much" Jenn said walking over to me. Her stomach was bigger she was like should be around 6 months.

"How's my baby?!?" I asked her.

"The baby's doing fine the baby's been kicking a lot im so happy you guys are both fine and safe." Jenn said looking at all 4 of us.

"Is if a girl or a boy" I asked

"I don't know I didn't want to go without Cameron" she said looking down

"If you hurt my bestie I swear Cameron" I said he smiled and laughed.

"Um guys we gotta go talk" Adrian said.

"Can everyone hear the story?" I asked looking up to meet his eyes.

He nodded and I jumped up.

"Me and the girls will go get the stuff" I said looking at all the girls and they nodded.

"Hey Adrian can you give me the keys?" I asked before leaving he gave them to me.

"Guys be nice please make him feel home Cameron" I said and he nodded.

I kissed Matt real quick and we all walked back to the car.

"How are you guys?" I asked them opening the passengers door.

"We are good we just miss you guys" Andrea said.

"Hey who is that really cute guy in the house?" Andrea asked and I looked at her handing her 2 boxes of Pepsi.

"Hey Ana why do you have 3 different pregnancy test?" Kayla asked.

"Okay hold on 1 Andrea you will find out and 2 I just need to make sure I'm not... or am" I replied truthfully.

"Come on guys I'll explain in my room." I grabbed the bags and so did Kayla I had my stuff with me and got my phone as well.

We walked into the house. All the guys were sitting in the living room.

"Here Adrian" I tossed him his keys and he caught it. " we will be right back don't eat without us" I said and we put the McDonalds bags and the sodas down and ran to my room.

"Oh my god I missed my room" it's was really clean just how we left it.

"Okay so um I've been puking for 2 days it started on Monday and well me and matt had sex the night when I got stolen" I said looking at the doors.

"Oh my god our kids are going to have fun" I smiled at Jenn and nodded.

"Can we go eat I'm hungry" Lauren said which cause the girls to laugh. We all walked downstairs.

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