
22 1 0

Edited: 1/18/18

someone opened the door. Everyone put their attention on the door. When the door opened wider. The docter came in.

Andrea, Kayla, Jenn, Ana and I all sighed in relief.

"Well hello Andrea! How you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm actually pretty good when am I gonna be able to get out of here?" I asked.

"Yes you could leave tomorrow at 5" The Doctor said looking at everyone.

"I need to talk to you two though" he said pointing at Matt and Ana. Uh oh what did they do.

They looked at each other and walked after the doctor.

We all looked at the door waiting for them to come back in the room.


"Doctor what's wrong?" Ana asked.

We kept walking to the back of the hospital but why?

"Doctor can you just just stop walking and tell us" Ana said putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Can you just stop and tell us!?" she yelled with so much power. She seems more scared than me.

He kept walking. He finally stopped.

"Yeah okay I stopped" he said looking at us.

"I need to talk to you guys alone each" he said looking at me then Ana.

"Matt let me talk to you first" he grabbed my shoulder and we walked the opposite direction


I hate when doctors do this why do they even talk to each person alone. Its pointless.

The doctor put his arm around Matt and they walked the opposite direction they were still a little far from me.

Matt turned around and looked at me with worry in his face. He started running towards me.

Matt had two people holding him back. I started running closer to him but I somehow stopped and blackness just took over me.


"You shouldn't have of a left Ana alone, you know that right?" He told me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked scared and worried.

"You do know that Ana, Kayla, Jenn and Andrea have been getting threatened message?"

"No she never told me" I looked at Ana with worry in my eyes I saw a black figure behind her.

"To late now" he said I ran to her but I was still far away from her. Two large men grabbed my wrist. Pulling me back.

The other man smiled and took her with him. I saw her struggling to let loose.


"I LOVE YOU AND I WILL" I yelled back at her.

I saw the doors slide open a black van outside and the man laid her down on the car floor.

"GO!" he yelled and they left with the love of my life.

"Such a shame that you lost her" he said to me. I was mad my hands were white.

"What are you doing!?! You are just a doctor!" I yelled we were in the back of the hospital so no nurses or doctors were around.

He pointed at a man to my right. I felt him put his hand on my neck and pressure point me. My vision was blurry and I couldn't see anything but blackness.


We've been waiting for about 3 hours and not Matt or Ana have come back. All the guys were asleep in the room the nurse came in to give us blankets.

The only ones awake was me and Jenn.

Our phones were right in front of us. We were sitting with a wooden desk in front of us.

I saw both of our phone light up.

We looked at each hesitating at first.

"On 3" Jenn said.



"Flip" we both said and flipped our phones.

"Good luck trying to get Ana back. Oh and if you want Matt back we took him home since he wasn't feeling right" I read out loud.

I looked at Jenn and she had tears coming out her eyes.

"We should tell th-"

Jenn's phone lit up she picked up her phone

"Remember no telling the police beautifuls" she read.

"Well we have to do something" she said.

"And we will" I said determination coming across my face

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