
28 1 0

Edited: 1/20/18
We all sat down and got out what Adrian ordered. Mchickens yass my favorite and there were about 80 Mcnuggets in the middle.

I grabbed a box and put it in between Matt and I.

"Oh my god! where's my Snicker?! baby" I yelled. Snicker came running in fast.

"Baby I missed you how are you sweetie pie" I gave him a kiss and then sat back in my seat to eat.

I grabbed a coke and it was soon taken away from me by Andrea.

"Hey you might have a kid in there and its bad to drink this while you are you know" Andrea whispered in my ear.

"Get used to it" Jenn said and I laughed.

"Now can you guys explain?!"Hayes yelled.

I looked at Adrian. He nodded.


"Okay so the day at the hospital I was forced to take Ana. I don't know why don't ask me they were my orders but when I took Ana the man who was driving me told me to make her shut up. So I did don't worry it wouldn't affect the body or anything in it." I said looking up.

I took another deep breath "when we found out that there were guys we had no where else to hide them so we put them in together Cameron and Ana then Matt and Carter. One day I went into Cameron and Ana's room and Cameron was protecting Ana saying he was his sister and if I got close he'd hurt me" I stopped and looked at Ana then Cameron.

"I left right away and told the boss that they knew. he said he'd kill them then kill me. But 2 days ago he said he wouldn't kill me but only if I killed them I wasn't going to be forced to Kill them" I said looking at everyone with teary eyes.

"Why did you bring them back not trying to be rude or anything" a guy next to Cameron asked.

"I wasn't going to kill my own siblings I've been alone ever since I turned 14. Sierra and Cameron got adopted by the Dallas'. Ana and Jamie stayed with mom. I was adopted by that man that wanted me to kill you guys" I said.

"What does he want from us gosh damnit" Ana yelled standing up.

"You" I said to her.

"W-what do you mean me?" I could see she was scared as she sat back down.

"Ana- he wants all 5 of us" I said staring in her eyes.

"But w-why?" She asked Cameron got up and so did I. We both walked up to Ana.

She was sitting in her chair with her knees brought to her chest.

"Mom always borrowed money from him. One day she asked for too much and finally got us in his hands" I said.

"But why kill I would much rather be punched at then to be killed" she said I shook my head.

"He wants mom to think that he killed us by saying that he did, when he really didn't but that man is capable of anything I've lived with him for 10 years. 10 fucking years" I stood up and looked out the window.

"10 years without you guys and when that day Cameron said that if I hurt his sister I broke down remembering what life was before we all got separated" I said

"Adrian you are fine now you found us and saved us please dont put so much on your self." Daisy said hugging my arm.

"how do we know? if he could still find us he wont only mess with us but look at all your friends he's going to make all of them suffer and worry too." I said looking at her.

"We are just going have to be prepared." Cameron said. and we both nodded.

"we should go check on mom" Ana said.

"I already told her that i was going to get you guys and home safe" i said.

"how did you get ahold of her? she knows? how does she know?" she asked.

"I called her and told her eveyrthing about you guys getting robbed to me bringing you guys back." Ana let go of my arm.

"why did you tell her is she worried?" Cameron asked.

"No she's fine" i said

"can i please go meet my mom now?" Cameron asked. I nodded.

"Okay everyone let's go"


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