Ch. 24

57 3 0

Edited: 1/11/18
Last night everyone went to their rooms at 9 the guys wanted to be at Chicago by 3, we had 2 hours to get ready. I woke up and went to the bathroom. When I came out Hayes was still asleep so why not prank him right? I walked into Ana's and Matt's room. Ana was awake and going to put shaving cream on Matt's hand. I walked in. I pointed to my phone. She nodded signaling me to record.

I quickly went on Vine and Ana had the feather ready.

"Wait try not to laugh after" I told her.

"okay" she put the feather up against his nose i hit the record button Matt itched his nose and woke up the Vine ended. He was waking up slowly. I was trying so hard not to laugh.

"hide" she said. we both hid under the bed.

"Ahh what the." Matt said touching his nose full with shaving cream.

"Ana!" he whispered yelled.

"you're gonna get it" he said getting off the bed.

"Naahh I'm good." she said. We tried hard not to laugh.

"Count of 3 we get out of the bed and say surrender" she whispered in my ear.

"1" "2" "3" we whispered.

"we surrender." we said at the exact time.

"Kayla you're off the hook Ana you're gonna get it."

"actually she has to help me get Hayes now." I said and pulled her into the hallway.

"thanks for that." she said and we walked into my room.

Hayes was still asleep.

"I'll record this time." Ana said and I nodded i went into the bathroom got the shaving cream and feather.

"Ready?" i asked her.


"1, 2, 3" she said and recorded i tickled his nose.

"hide" we looked at each other and went under the bed.

Hayes right away went into the bathroom. We looked at each other and got out of the room and went to go wake up everyone else.

"who's next?" I asked.

"let's just go wake up Andrea and then Jenn" i nodded still having the shaving cream and feather. We woke up Andrea and hid her technology so they won't get ruined. Andrea nodded and i gave her the shaving cream. Ana and me both had our phones out to Vine it.

I left the door open so we can just run out. When he reacts to the shaving cream. "Ready?" I whispered to Andrea.  "go"  Ana said and Andrea did it and we ran out before Kian could react.

"Next up Jenny." Andrea said and we ran to her room leaving her door open. We woke up Jenn. showed her the feather and shaving cream and she smirked. She grabbed it and did it to Cameron. We laughed and stared at Cameron. Forgetting to run out.

"What the-" he said got up and put it all over Jenn.

"why?" she whined. Cameron is a fast reactor.

"Okay guys get ready im gonna go get breakfast from McDonald's." Ana said."Anyone wanna come?" she asked and Jenn ran to the bathroom and came out with a sweater and sweatpants just like Ana.

"Okay you guys get ready you have an hour left." Jenn said and we nodded and left.

"Ready?" I asked Ana.

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