
44 2 0

Edited: 1/16/18

When the door opened all of the attention was at the door. I stood shocked. It was that girl who was with Hayes at the hospital and at my house. That bitch is gonna get it. I hid behind Bryce so she wouldn't see me. He looked at me and I stared as if he knew what I was thinking because he nodded and didn't ask questions. My phone vibrated and I looked at it.

Andrea: we're home bitch.

I tried not to laugh.

Me: Hey do me a huge favor come over to the guys house bring Hayes and bring Cam just in case. Hayes needs to see what's happening don't tell him just tell him to follow you, same with Cameron.

Andrea: ok...

That's what I like about Andrea she never asks questions.

"Bryce who's behind you?" Mikey asked. I'm dead.

"No one" he said flatly.

"Sure come out from behind Bryce" He said again. I gripped onto Bryce's sweater.

"No seriously no ones behind me" he said turning his head back. I really didn't want to face that bitch.

"Really then step asi-" he got cut off by the front door opening. We payed attention to the door.

Cam, Andrea and Hayes thank the lord.

"Amber??!?" Hayes yelled.

"Omg Hayes let me ex-"

"No you stupid bitch you made me break up with the girl that I loved" he yelled was he talking about me? I'm stupid of course he was talking about me.

"Oh Kayla that bitch she doesn't deserve you" she's right I don't.

"Mikey, are you serious" Hayes yelled stepping closer to Mikey.

"Dude I didn't know" Mikey defended letting go of Amber's hand.

"Where's Kayla?!" Andrea yelled.

"She's behind me" Bryce said and then I kicked him.

"Well well well" I believe her Bitch name was Amber said.

" oh shut up you don't deserve Hayes or Mikey" I yelled getting closer to her.

"Well you don't deserve Hayes" she spat at me. I know I don't no one deserves him.

"At least I can be truthful at least I didn't cheat on him" I yelled stepping closer to her. "At least I truly loved him" I yelled. She was about to swing at me when the door opened.

Who now? I thought in my head.

"What did I say about getting in between Hayes and Kayla and...Mikey?" Ana asked as Jenn and her walked in.

"Oh don't look at me I'm done with her" Mikey said and walked over to Chris and Dominik.

"What baby i-i-" Amber got cut off by Ana. I swear Ana is like my older sister.

"Well you thought wrong. If I were you I would get out before my nails get to you again" she said and I smiled. Cameron held on too to Jenn.

"Come at me bitch" Amber said and Ana had a smirk on her face. Amber picked up snicker.

"Put him down" Ana was charging when Cam picked her up.

"Cameron put me done let me go at this 2 timing bitch she has snicker let me go" Ana spat at him I have never seen her so mad before.

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