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Edited: 1/15/18

I woke up and noticed i wasn't in the balcony anymore and us girls were sleeping in Ana's room. I started to think maybe the girls brought me in here because it was getting cold out there or something. i don't know I'll ask them later. it was 12 in the afternoon and i decided to wake up the girls. i walked up to Ana and shook her.

Damn she's a heavy sleeper i didn't want to do this but i did i got on her bed and pushed her off.

"What the fuck where am i what happened?" She said screaming really alarmed which caused the other girls to wake up.

"Ana shut up" Andrea yelled and threw a pillow at her which caused her to fall back down.

"Andrea get up its 12 wake your lazy ass up." She said and i let out a little laugh. Jenn came out of the bathroom.

"hey when do you have your first baby appointment?" I asked Jenn.

"What's today?" She asked

"The 20" Ana said.

"Oh okay i have it tomorrow." She said.

"Do you want us to come with you?" i asked her

"Yea i will really like you guys to come with me." She said and we nodded.

"We should go downstairs. I'm hungry." Jenn said and caused me to laugh.

"okay let's go. let me get the smores' real quick" Ana said and ran to her balcony. We waited for her and she had the stuff.

We began walking downstairs. When we got downstairs we saw the guys still asleep. We walked into the kitchen and saw food for us. I guess the guys made food for us. I saw a paper that said my name on it.

Kayla, this is for you - Hayes.

I awed to myself. i looked and the girls have read their notes and we pulled up chairs and sat on the island. I started to go on my phone i turned it on from last night. my phone starts blowing up with stuff. I had 8 missed calls from my mom 25 messages from Bryce, Mikey and Hayes. I was still pretty upset with Hayes. All of a sudden Ana screams.

"What what what what's going on?" i asked alarmed.

"Sebastian Olzanski (if you don't know him look him up and then watch his videos and then follow him) is coming to Chicago." She yelled again." i want to go so bad." she finished.

"Ana calm down you'll wake up the g-." I started but got cut off by a sleepy Cam walking into the kitchen. He walked straight to the the fridge bumping into everything he passed.

"owww what the fuck!" He yelled he slammed his foot on the chair. i couldn't help but laugh i'm pretty sure the girls were about to burst out laughing to.

"Oh crap! I forgot I left snicker with Dominik " Ana yelled. "im going to go get him who wants to come with me?!?" She asked.

"i will" A sleepy Matt walked in and hit his hip on the side of the island. Ana nodded and grabbed her shoes and Matt did the same.

"I'll be back soon don't miss me too much." Ana yelled and then slammed the door before i said anything.


When i woke up i heard Ana yelling that she left Snicker at Dominik's and that she was going to go get him. She then asked who wanted to come with of course i needed to talk to her so i voluntered.

we walked out and i saw that she had blue tips on her hair. The way her hair blew from the wind i just wanted to pick her up throw her on the snow and kiss her passionately. I couldn't help myself. So before we got the front steps i stopped her with my words.

"Ana i love you." I said she stopped in her tracks. I felt like she wasn't going to accept my apology i wouldn't mind i guess as long as i can still talk to her my feelings for her are still there.

"Matt can we please not talk about this right now?" She said playing with her thumbs.

"Please Ana let me explain to you. everything" even though those girls told us not to tell them why i had to tell her i love her so much.

"Matthew please." She said again.

"Ana please just let me explain." i told her making her face me.

i looked straight at her eyes. She looked back at mine. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry i can't i need to go get Snicker." She said and ran into the guys house. i followed right behind her. the guys weren't home.

"Ana listen to me" I said to her putting her against the wall.

"Matt, let me get Snicker please." She said trying to get out of my grasp i didn't know i had too much pressure on her until she squealed.

"Matt please stop you're hurting me."

"oh sorry i didn't mean too." i said i could feel a tear falling down. I let her go and she went to go get Snicker. She picked up Snicker and hugged him so tight i saw a tear fall down her cheek. I could tell every time she told me she loved me she meant it. When i said i love you i meant too. I meant so much I'm going to get her back. before she opened the door i slammed the door and smashed my lips on to her. i could tell she was shocked.

it took her a while but she kissed back. i felt the sparks they were still there it much more and more i still loved this girl and i had to get her back. She broke apart and she had tears on her face,

"Matt you act like nothing happened." she said quietly "you act like what you did at the restaurant wasn't you but someone else. i can't do this. either we're together or we're done for good." She said and opened the door but i closed it again.

"i still love you." I said to her.

"then what happened yesterday you tell me" She said. "Let's not forget on my birthday. On all days my birthday Matthew."

"i did it because i wanted to protect you." i said and looked down but she started yelling at me.

"do you think protecting is like this? No, Matt you hurt me you hurt me so much i thought you didn't care i thought that i was useless i thought i wasn't worth your time. I thought that i was being used." she finished. She had tears and so did i.

"if you were protecting me, what were you protecting me from them?" she asked so i just told her the whole story everything every single detail.

"you could have told me you guys were getting threats, Matt if this was even a real relationship then why didn't you tell me earlier." she said crying again.

"I'm just so sorry im such a fuck-up. please forgive me." i said hugging her pulling her closer to me and my head between her neck and shoulder.

to be continued.

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