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Edited: 1/19/18

*Flash back before he saw ana*
Carter and I were talking about our lives ever since I moved to Illinois with Ana we haven't seen each other or talked as much.

Moving with Ana really did change how I am. She has made me a better person and I'm proud.

I'm just scared I could lose her during this time. But I don't want to lose her she's my everything yeah I know we are both young.

Ana should be in school and I should be on my way to graduating but since we move school is our least worries.

Carter was talking about Maggie. Once again. I could of swore they broke up one time but I guess they are back together.

There relationship is super cute. He said Maggie is suppose to come tomorrow but he's scared he won't be there and she would start worrying.

My phone has been out of battery for such a long time so has Carter's. We've been here for about 3 weeks. 3 weeks without sunlight. Ana is my sunlight my life is dull. They barely feed us here too.

I just want to get out and look for her.Find her have her in my arms.
I just want to tou-. My train of thoughts were cut by Carter.

He got up.

"Carter what are you doing?" I asked concerned.

He walked to the door I walked right next to him. The door started to rattle.

Carter put his finger up as to tell me to be quiet for a minute. I obeyed.

The door knob is a dark color there are barely any lights in the room. There are no windows. So its pretty much dark and scary in this room.

"Lets move back" Carter whispered and I nodded we backed up I ran in to the bathroom because I was so scared. Carter ran after me. We locked each other in the bathroom not wanting to come out.

We heard the door open and foot steps come in.

"Matthew! Carter!" A man said he sounded almost like he's in his mid-20s.

"Guys its okah to come out" the man sounded calm and as if he was telling the truth.

I looked at Carter. He looked as if there was hope we could get out if we showed our self's. He nodded as if I said if its ok to open the door

I opened the door and the man turned his head and revealed him self to us.

Every single time we'd see some one they always had masks. So we never really knew how they looked.

But the man did have a mask and I was wondering why.

"Matthew Carter let's go"

"What do you mean let's go where are we going" Carter asked almost like he was about to scream.

"We need to go find Ana and Cameron" he replied.

"What do you mean why do you all of a sudden care about them" I yelled.

"Matthew you don't understand" the man said.

"What don't I understand tell me" I said tensing up. He could think he knows everything about Ana and Cameron. He's one of the reasons why they are here in the first place.

"I know a lot more then you think now if you want to make sure Ana is safe and in your arms come with me." He said clenching his jaw. He looked almost as if he got offended.

"What do you mean you know more then I think you do what you stalk us? You want to take her away from me! What you-" he cut me off.

"You better shut up! I'll leave you guys here for a month without Ana and I'll make sure I take her and Cameron out of here" he said taking a step forward to us.

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