Chloe’s POV
I wake up next to Michael. I quietly slip out of bed and slip on a swimming suit. I grab my phone and I head down to the beach, which isn’t far from Calum’s house. I sit down by the shore, just watching the waves. I hear someone sit next to me, I look up and see Michael.
“Your name, your name sounds so good next to mine, just saying.” He sings.
“Where did that come from?” I ask, laughing.
“Mmm, I heard it on the radio the other day and it made me think of you. It could be our song.” He replies.
“I’d love that.” I tell him, kissing him on the cheek.
We sit next to the shore and watch the waves together, content with each others company. We stay until the Calum text Michael, telling him to come back. We walk back to the house, with Michael’s arm wrapped around my waist.
We enter the house and see that Luke and Calum are cooking in the kitchen. I decide to snap a picture and post it on twitter.
@Michael5SOS: Aw, Cake is cooking together! @Calum5SOS @Luke5SOS #cutestcoupleever
I laugh as we head up to our room. As soon as the door closes, Michael crashes his lips on mine. I jump, wrapping my legs around his waist. He presses me up against the wall. He breaks the kisses, moving down to my neck. He starts sucking on my sweet spot, causing me to moan. He smirks down at me and I rush to the bathroom mirror.
“Michael, I’m graduating in three days, how the hell am I supposed to cover this up?” I complain.
“Don’t cover up, it shows that you’re mine!” He replies, cheekily.
We hear Calum call us down for lunch and we head downstairs. We eat lunch and then head back upstairs. We can hear Calum and Luke arguing downstairs about what game to play on the Xbox.
Mikey pulls me over to the bed and turns on the tv. He gets up and turns on the xbox and puts in COD.
Mikey had gone out hours ago and he still hadn’t come back. He was doing this all the time lately and wouldn’t come back until the next day. Then, he would just act like nothing happened. I was getting sick of his behavior lately. I decided to just go to bed, knowing Michael wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.
Luke wraps me up in his arms and sings me to sleep, something he had been doing the past few days, since Michael wasn’t here.