Chloe’s POV
I knew that the hate that Michael was gonna get was gonna be nasty. The fans supported him endlessly, but the haters were gonna tear him down because of this. I look up his name to see what came up in the news articles.
Michael Clifford Finally Comes Clean About Past!
Michael Clifford Comes Clean About Past, Apologizes To Fans.
Michael Clifford’s Haunting Past: What You Didn’t Know!
Does 5SOS Guitarist’s Past Still Haunt Him?
Michael Clifford’s Past & How It’s Affecting Him Today.
5SOS Guitarist Comes Clean About Past, How He Feels About It Today.
Is Michael Clifford Having Trouble Moving On From His “Haunting” Past?
Has Michael Clifford Fallen Back Into His Old Ways?
What Does Chloe Rosewood Have To Say About Her Fiance’s Past?
What Does Chloe Rosewood Really Think About Her Fiance’s “Haunting” Past?
I needed to stop this before it got out of control.
@Chloe_Clifford: Yes, Michael finally came clean about his past. No, he’s not avoiding anyone. He stayed home with me because he was having bad day. You have to realize that because of what happened to Michael, he will have bad days and he will have good days. The doctors said that even after rehab, it would take him a while to feel comfortable and finally move on from his past. It has affected all of us, but it will affect him the most. Michael is more fragile than he has ever been. He is more vulnerable now that people know his deepest, darkest secret. Michael is a fragile, caring person in general. But because of what’s happened, he is more fragile than he was before all this happened. He’s never gonna be the same person he was ever again. People need to realize that and just be supportive of him. Yes, he hurt me. Yes, he hurt the band. Yes, he hurt the fans. But you guys have to realize it’s called the past for a reason. You can’t go back and change it. All he can do now is move forward. We are all taking it day by day, for his sake. Taking little steps to accept that this is his new normal. We have to make him feel comfortable in his own skin. This is new to him and all we can do is help him through this and make him feel normal. You can’t tear him down, you have to build him up. If people continue to bash him, he’s gonna end up in rehab again and we’re gonna have to start all over. All that hard work will have been for nothing. He needs us and the fans now more than ever. Like I said before, we are taking this day by day. We can’t have him biting off more than he can chew. Baby steps, guys, baby steps. And maybe someday, he’ll be okay. But for now, we just need to support him as best we can and let him know that we are here for him every step of the way.
They had a concert today and I don’t know how Michael was feeling. Was he feeling anxious? Was he feeling terrified? Was he feeling happy? Was he feeling excited? After spending a little longer on twitter, I head to the living room and see them playing the Xbox. I decide to join them for a bit.
It was just before the concert and the countdown had started, signifying that had to be on stage soon.
“No, I can’t do this!” Michael says, panicking all of the sudden.
“Michael, you have to be on stage in 10 seconds! You can do this!” I assure him.
“No, I can’t!” He says.
The guys run on stage and pump up the crowd.
“Alright, so Michael is feeling a bit nervous tonight. I know that fans haven’t been showing the love lately since he revealed the truth. So how about we cheer for him now and help get him on stage.” Luke announces.
Michael starts to cry and his breathing picks up.
I motion Ashton over and he runs off stage and over to me.
“He’s panicking. Keep the fans occupied while I try to calm him down.” I tell him.
He nods and goes to whisper something in Luke’s ear. I see him nod at me and I take Michael outside.
“Michael, I need you to look at me. Breathe with me, in and out.” I instruct him.
He looks me in the eye and tries to match his breathing with mine. Once I get him calmed down, I text Ashton.
To: Ash
Okay, he’s ready. Get the crowd to chant his name!
From: Ash
Bring him in!
I bring him inside and hand him his guitar. I can hear the crowd calling his name.
“Michael! Michael!” I chant along.
“Thanks baby, I love you!” He replies.
“Get out there and rock that stage, superstar!” I say, ruffling his hair.
He runs through the curtains and the crowd starts going wild.
“Hey guys, how is everyone tonight?” I hear him shout.
I listen as they rock out on stage. Michael looked like he was having the time of his life. This was his natural habitat, someplace he was comfortable being at. I realized that he was happier on stage than anywhere else. Yes, I made him happy. But, he was just as happy on stage, if not happier. I could never take away Michael’s happiness from him. His passion for music was his happiness. I’m also happiness, because he knows I’m gonna support him, no matter what.
After the show, we all head back to the hotel. The guys and I get out of the car.
“I’ll meet you guys inside!” Michael says, wrapping his arm around my waist.
He sets me on the hood of the car, “Thank you for last night. You don’t know happy I am.” He says.
“I never thought you felt that way about me, but I’m glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you!” I reply.
“Chloe, how many times do I have to tell you I love you before you believe it? I know I’ve screwed up in the past, but I’m trying to fix that. I love you soo much. Words cannot describe how in love I am with you. Every day I regret hurting you like that, but I’m trying. I’m trying for you, but you have to trust me.” He states.
“I didn’t mean to upset you, Mikey. I understand that you are struggling. But you have to understand, this is hard for me too. I’ll try to trust you more, just give me some time. I love you, I do, but I just need some more time to heal. We can both help each other out.” I tell him.
“I know baby, I know you’re trying. I’m gonna help you as much as I can. I realize this is never gonna be normal for either of us, but we can try to be as normal as possible. I promise I’ll try to help you out, hell you’ve helped me so much. It’s only fair that I do the same for you. I love you so much, Chloe Rosewood.” He responds.
He then kisses me. He follows me as I lean back, but not laying down completely. We get lost in the moment and the car beeps at us, causing us to break apart. We look at the boys, that are standing, staring out the window, who are laughing at us. We both head inside and I flick them off as I walk by. I head to my room and start getting ready for bed. As I crawl into bed, I hear Michael enter my room. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer.