Chapter 27

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it was the coronation day, for the first time ever the skies above Brumous was clear and a bright blue, the sunlight was making the greenery around the palace even, more beautiful. the caretaker had taken Luhan up to his chamber, from the dungeons. she had cleaned his wounds and made him take a bath with lukewarm water to make sure he isn't sore anywhere.

when he looked through the window, Luhan was a little surprised to see the bright sunlight and what would've been a great day to spend outdoors, but inside the castle, it was the same cold and damp. the day before, when he went up to his chamber, the first thing that shocked him was the colour of his hair, he had no idea how it had changed to complete platinum white, but the caretaker and told him that it was due to the effects of the basement dungeons, they were specially designed to strip the prisoners of their powers and it was just the reaction that his body gave when he was stripped of his own. if he would get enough rest his hair will be restored.

he was surprised that he even got a good sleep, Luhan was too buried in his thoughts and worries for his two friends, who were very much still down there in the dungeons. he had literally no idea, if after Damaris was finished with him, what happened to the other two. the caretaker entered his room and bowed down before him, a few other maids standing right behind her. " my lord, your clothes for the coronation. " Luhan was least interested in the clothes he was going to wear for his awaiting doom. he replied nothing.

"I hope you had a good sleep sir, I was told that rose and honey tea helped you a lot to relax and have a good night's sleep." the caretaker said again, she had dismissed the other maids after they had put down the clothes and accessories for him. Luhan turned to look at her, at this information. nobody in the castle knew that the tea made him relaxed enough for him to go to sleep without any worries, except Tao and Kris of course.

" Who told you that? " Luhan asked her, she gave him a soft smile and said, " Master Kris and his partner Master Tao." " are they - " " no, my lord, they are safe and sound with their wounds treated, in their rooms. they must be getting up any moment now. I have sent some maids to check up on them. " the caretaker finished.

Luhan didn't know how to feel about that, but it was beyond relieving for him to know that both Kris and Tao were safe and Damaris didn't go on and on with them because of him. The caretaker placed the small jewels on his table, rose gold cufflinks with his initials, and a beautiful simple but intricate broach. she said, "I know my lord, that your heart belongs to someone else, but trust me when I say this that King Damaris is not a bad man. he was just deprived of love. he is a good man. it's just the hatred and vengeance inside his heart that has taken over the good in him."

Luhan didn't make any comments, the words Damaris had told him came rushing back to him, he had never expected to hear those words from him. but he can't change the truth. no matter how much of a good man Damaris is, it was clear to both of them that what he did was wrong, to separate two people who loved each other, only for your selfish reason is not anything Luhan would forgive anyone who did. it didn't matter to him how in the way Damaris started to fall for him even though he had already declared that Luhan will have to marry him way back when he had just set foot in Brumous.

The caretaker took his silence as dismissal and excused herself from his chamber. Luhan looked at the clothes spread out for him on his bed and sighed, he just wished that the others were already here in Brumous and somehow by a miracle or whatever, all the three of them were taken out of here before anything else stirs up.

the members were getting ready to go to the palace, Hongjoong had done an excellent job in selecting their outfits, but the situation was just not perfect for them to appreciate his choices. when Jongin entered the room all eyes went towards him, he wore a beautifully fitted suit with elegant gold embroidery, on its lapels. he truly looked like someone who was soon going to be a King, and that also the King of a kingdom that was superior to all in the region.

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