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(3rd person POV) The sound of hooves tapping on the ground was the only sound in the night. A small filly with green dragon-like eyes, black coat, wings, horn, and a blue mane and tail with curls spiraling downwards walked out of the forest into a small clearing with a pond. The filly stared at her reflection for a moment until another sound drew her attention. The sound was another pair of hoof steps that belong to a much bigger pony. The small filly shot up into the air, levitated a rock with magic, and threw it in the opposite direction. The hoof steps didn't move to another direction but instead grew faster and in the the same direction. The filly flew deep into a tree's branches in an attempt to hide. A large stallion with a gray coat, flouting black mane, and red tipped horn walked into the clearing.

"Come out Dark. I know your hiding."

The filly named Dark shuddered at the sound of his distorted voice making leaves in the tree shake. The filly froze but it was too late.

"Aha! There you are!"

The filly was picked up by sickly purple magic and dragged towards the stallion.

"Now be a good girl and tell me how to get out of this place. If not, well I'll have to force it out of you."

The filly lit up horn that produced dark blue magic, and made it flare.(Like Twilights horn in boast busters.)


With that deifying call the filly disappeared with a loud 'POP' The dark stallion bellowed in rage.

"I will find you Dark! I won't rest until I find my way out of here!"

The only response to his angry cry was a small chuckle from a certain changeling queen.

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