Almost Escape

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(Dark's POV) As soon as I landed from teleporting I started running. Sombra had put a tracker on my magic, which allows him to tell where I cast a spell. That was why my divergent didn't work. I was headed in the general direction of the way out. I was going to escape. But why? I don't want revenge anymore, and this places actual eternal night was very pretty. Then my mind flew back to Sombra again. I didn't want to be caught by him know, it would be a very painful experience at this point. Suddenly five changelings flew out of the bushes and surrounded me. I screeched to a halt in the middle of the circle. What do I do? I can't cast a spell or Sombra would be here in a second, and I'm not physically strong enough to take on all of them. A slightly childish chuckle drew me out of my thoughts. Queen Chrysalis, who had also been turned into a filly in this world was right in front of me.

"I heard that you found the way out of here."

Oh come on! How many ponies knew of this?

"And what are you going to use it for? Revenge? I'm not going to allow that."

Chrysalis looked down at her hooves in shame.

"I need to help my subjects. As you can see only five of them were killed in the blast, and only a female can permanently rule our hive. Their out there starving and without a queen."

I felt my gaze soften a little. I walked over to her and put a hoof around her neck.

"Just follow me. I don't want any of you to be in danger because you know where to go."

(Mr. Timeskip!)

After a few long days we had almost made it. Then came the rock slide. We were walking down a narrow gully when a bird landing on a rock sent it tumbling down the mountain and sent a rock slide in motion. Chrysalis, the changeling guards and me had to activate our magic to keep from being crushed. In a matter of seconds we had a roof of rock above us and Sombra appeared. When he saw out situation he let out an evil laugh and poofed something in. I was frozen from the effort needed to hold this up, even with help, leaving us all helpless to Sombra.

"Well here you are Dark. I didn't expect you to be traveling with the changelings. Know I'll give you a choice. You agree to help me find the way out of here and I'll save you all. If you don't I'll poof you out of there and you'll have to watch them be crushed. Your choice."

I felt sweat trail down my coat as I used up almost all my magic. I slowly looked up at Chrysalis. She needed to go to her subjects.


Almost as if a giant weight was lifted off my shoulders the rocks cleared away. I felt something clip around my neck and my magic was cut off. I fell to the ground, exhausted, and promptly fell asleep.

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