Equal Part 1

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(Dark's POV) I slowly trotted into Twilight's castle behind Fluttershy. We had been here for a few days now and I was starting to get antsy. Chryssi's wings buzzed as she flapped them nervously. Fluttershy turned to give us a reassuring smile before pushing open the door to the thrown room.

"Girls why don't you go play over there while we talk, ok?"

I nodded and walked over to where Fluttershy was pointing. We had gotten them to trust us enough to take the collars off and put a magic thinning spell on us instead. Luna still hadn't came back and we were stuck here. The elements were talking when I felt my horn tingle from strong magic. I looked over to see a giant map of Equestria in front of the throwns.

"Oh wow Chryssi look at this!"

I ran over to it and looked at all the tiny places on it. I watched as all of there cutie marks flouted over a small village.

"I know that place. It's called Equine. Last time I was there there was only two houses and one shop."

Twilight gave me a confused look.

"What? I was there a little more than a year ago."

I cringed slightly at remembering who I was a little over a year ago.

"Well then looks like we're going on a road trip."

(Mr. Timeskip!)

I glared at the small town in distaste. I'm with Pinkie on this one. Those are not normal smiles.

"Girls come on."

I look up to see them all walking down towards the place. When we walked in we were met with a chorus of welcomes. Every single one of them had the exact same cutie mark. A bland equal sign. I was pushed out of my thoughts by a filly thrusting her face into mine.

"Pardon my bluntness but are you an alicorn?"

I flattened my ears and wings against myself before backing up.

"Um yes..."

The unnatural smile on the filly's face somehow got wider.

"I must apologize for being so curios but is your friend a changeling?"

I look over at Chryssi to see she has her own filly in her face.

"Is there a problem with that?!"

She seems taken aback by my tone.

"I'm sorry if I offended you. Don't worry though, everyone is welcome in our little town! I see you don't have your cutie mark though."

I shifted my tail in front of my flank in embarrassment. I noticed that the others were moving away from us.

"Guys wait up!"

I pushed past the filly and followed them into a house Chryssi not far behind me. Suddenly another pony walked in. She introduced herself as Starlightglimmer.

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