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(Celestia's POV) I silently walked down to the changeling's cell. I'm honestly confused about the filly's concern for them. She said that she was Nightmare Moon, but she didn't act like it. She defiantly looked like Nightmare Moon, with her black coat and green dragon eyes. My thoughts were interrupted by a very familiar chuckle.

"Discord I'm not in the mood for your shenanigans."

Discord appeared in front of me with a small 'pop'.

"Oh come on Celestia, you know that I HAD to see your reaction to this. I have to say, you seem rather confused about this situation. Shall I enlighten you?"

I pushed past him to get to the cell.

"They all were hit with something so good and loving that their motives have changed, and their aging was sent back."

I sighed.

"What do mean about their motives being changed?"

He smiled, happy that I finally asked him a question.

"Dark just wants to live a normal life, and Chrissy just wants to help her subjects. The only one that didn't change was Sombra."

I spun around.

"WHAT?! Sombra came through the portal?!"

Discord gave me a confused look.

"I thought you knew. I'll finish this task if you need to go warn Cadence."

I handed him the keys and teleported to the Crystal Empire to warn Cadence.

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