My Own Pony

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(Dark's POV) I woke up to the cold hard floor. It was pitch black in the cell and the only sound was my gentle breathing. The wing band and magic canceling collar were still on and they were starting starting to chafe. My ear twitched at the sound of hooves heading towards the cell. A door opened at the end of the room and brought in blinding light, causing me to cover my eyes with my hoof. Somepony walked in and closed the door. A horn lit up to reveal Princess Celestia and Princess Luna standing by the door. I reeled away slightly from their angry gazes. The cell was small and I was uncomfortably close to them.

"We believe that you and the others are old villains that have come back from the dead. Are we correct?"

I flinched slightly at her tone but I nodded. Princess Luna's eyes softened a little at my actions but Celestia's face was hard as steel.

"Are you Nightmare Moon?"

I nodded once again. I shifted slightly and made myself wince from the wing band rubbing against a raw spot. This time it was Celestia's turn to loose some of her steel. She very carefully with her magic undid the wing band and revealed my skin that was rubbed raw.

"Know who would put a wing band so tight around somepony? A filly no less."

She picked me up with her magic, causing me to yelp, and levatated me closer to her.

"Come Luna. We'll ask her more after she gets fixed up."

We went outside the cell and into a much brighter dungeon. The guard nodded at the princess and stayed in his post. A sudden thought crossed my mind.

"Wait. What about Chrysalis? She's probably rubbed raw too."

It was a thought that did worry me. Chrysalis is my friend and I didn't want her to be hurt. The princesses exchanged a glance before Celestia gave me to Luna and headed back down the hall. Luna's magic was a very beautiful shade of blue and it had a very faint feeling of the night. She layed me on her back and started walking down the hall.

"You don't seem like the Nightmare Moon I remember. She didn't flinch away from ponies, she didn't get hurt so easily, and she DEFIANTLY didn't care for other ponies. If your not Nightmare Moon, then who are you?"

That was a good question. I remember the elements of harmony washing away all the evil and leaving me the only thing left, besides Luna.

"I'm Dark. I am not a copy of somepony else. I'm my own pony."

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