Never Reform Somepony

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(Chrysalis's POV) All of them were glaring at me. I feel weak without my subjects, that's why the hive sticks together after all. Discord is acting like this is nothing and is talking to Fluttershy. Suddenly Twilight turns and looks at me, her eyes filled with hate and distrust. I side step to stand behind Dark to avoid her gaze. She went over, whispered something in Fluttershy's ear, and left with all the others. Fluttershy walks up to us.

"Come on girls. Lets go inside and, um, talk. Yea we can get to know each other."

Her calm tone was hard to ignore as we went into her cottage. The animals avoided us and for a while it was quiet.

"Dear Fluttershy, why don't you tell them about the day that you became my friend?"

She noticeably brightened at this topic.

"Princess Celestia wanted Discord to turn to good so she assigned me to him. Even when the girls wanted to use a reforming spell I wouldn't let them. Just like I won't let them do that to you unless you are just faking it."

She suddenly held he hoof to her mouth, as if she realized she wasn't supposed to say that. Dark stared at her with wide eyes while I backed away from her.

"Do you know what a reforming spell is?!"

My voice was high pitched in panic.

"It's mind control! It forces someone to be who they aren't! I like who I am!"

Discord was watching the whole ordeal with scrunched up eyebrows.

"Fluttershy do you remember that spell I put on you in the maze? That spell works quite similar to a reforming spell."

Fluttershy gasped and held her hoof up to her mouth.

"Oh I'm so sorry girls. Don't worry I won't let them use that spell on rather of you. Now come on let's have some tea."

She brought some tea out from the kitchen and I reluctantly sat down. I hope she's telling the truth.

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