Back to the World

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(Dark's POV) Sombra didn't wait a moment when judged that I was fit enough to go. He kept close to me as if he was scared I would try to escape. I started to stumble often after a while and he decided that it was time to rest. I went over and layed down right next to Chrysalis, while her guards circled us.

"So Dark do you have an escape plan?"

I gave her a crooked grin.

"When he falls asleep we all take off flying and leave him behind. Besides, I don't know how long I can lead us in the wrong direction."

It was true. Instead of going straight east we were going north. I was worried that he would find out about it too.

"Well then let's just hope that he falls asleep soon."

After a few hours he didn't fall asleep and I slowly drifted off myself. I woke up to my mane being yanked. I yelped and came face to face with Sombra. I had slept past his patience level. The dark gleam in his eyes were looking very dangerous at the moment, and I didn't want to be the one he got mad at. He didn't stop pulling my mane with his magic.

"I heard your little plan last night. Today your going to lead me in the right direction, aren't you?"

I winced as he yanked harder. I quickly nodded to satisfy him.

"Good. I also need to use these."

He held up some wing bands, meant to keep pegasi from using their wings to cheat in a race. He rapped one tightly around me and then to Chrysalis and her guards.

"Know that that's settled wake them up, and let's leave."

I gently shook them awake. As soon as they were standing up Sombra yanked my mane again, and I was forced to walk extremely close to him. Today is going to be a long day.

(Mr. Timeskip)

We had finally made it to the portal. Sombra (finally) let go if my mane and inspected the portal. He started laughing.

"I should have suspected that it would be where the sun would rise. Know I can finally take back my empire!"

He jumped through the portal and it started shaking.

"Hurry! Jump through before it closes and goes to a new place!"

We all quickly jumped into the portal and everything faded into a bright light.

(Luna's POV) My horn tingled as I felt a powerful source of magic being used. It was the same feeling I get when Twilight would dimension jump. I quickly hurried to the source. I found my sister already there. We were in the middle of the Everfree forest. On the ground passed out were a little black and blue filly, five full grown changelings, and a filly version of Queen Chrysalis. That's strange. There should be one more pony for a jump that powerful.

"What should we do sister?"

Celestial looked at me and seemed to think.

"Let's bring them back to the castle for questioning. We don't need to bind their magic seeing as someone has already done that for us."

It was true. They all had magic binding collars and wing straps on them. I picked up the black filly with my magic and almost dropped her in shock. Her magic, even as contained as it was, was Nightmare Moon's. I finally realize where they had come from.

"Sister I do believe that these are all villains that have come back from the dead."

Celestial looked over at me in shock and then pursed her lips.

"Well then, it seems that they came back to the world."

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