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(I have to introduce an oc in this chapter. The oc is Miracle and she is Cadence's daughter. She is a white alicorn with a light pink mane and tail that is very wavy. Know on with the story!)

(Miracle's POV) I trotted around the crystal palace, not really caring where I was going. It was a snowy day, which only happens once every two moons or so, and I was stuck inside. Aunty Celestia had come to talk to mommy earlier so her and daddy couldn't play with me. I finally decided to pay attention to where I was. I was in the dungeons of the castle. It was very dark and foreboding in the large hallway with the cells lining up on each side. I held my ears to my head at the feeling of danger in the air. The sound of another pony's hoof steps made me jump.


My voice echoed down the dark hallway in a singsong way that only made my weariness worse. A dark evil laugh met my voice soon after. I started backing up until I ran into something. I turned around to find a dark gray stallion with red tipped horn and flouting mane. I jumped away with my wings flared in fright.

"Well hello little filly. It's so nice to see someone afraid of me again. I soon need to change how this place is run, after all that retched princess is to soft."

I felt myself get angry at this. Mommy and daddy sometimes can't even eat lunch with me because they are too busy.

"Mommy and daddy are great at their jobs! Your opinion is wrong!"

He looked back over at me and seemed to remember something.

"Ah, yes I forgot."

He pooffed a collar in and quickly snapped it around my neck. I felt all my magic reserves being cut off and I suddenly became weak. I burst into flight and started racing to the exit, but before I could make it a whip of black magic was rapped around my back hoof. I screamed in pain from the feeling of the dark magic not being countered with my own. It felt like a ring of fire was wrapped around my leg. The stallion let out a chuckle at me writhing in pain.

"Now,now, little one you don't want to do that unless you want to be punished."

He cast a spell that made my limbs heavy and my eyes droopy. I looked out one on the windows in the cells around me to see the snow. The last thought that went through my mind before darkness over took me was how much I love the snow.

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