The Mane Six

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(That picture is beautiful!)

(Dark's POV) The nurse bandaged up my skin that was rubbed raw, including my wings and started working on Chrysalis. Luna was out in the hall talking to Discord. After a few minutes she came back in the room.

"I have to deal with royal matters right now, so I'm going to send you all to Ponyville."

I nodded, but Chrysalis seemed concerned.

"But what about my subjects? And I'm not so sure anyone in Ponyville will be to happy to see us."

Luna gave her an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry but you can't leave Equestria until we deem you as no threat. The bearers of the elements will be watching you."

Chrysalis still didn't look convinced but she kept her opinion to herself. We were quickly ushered outside and into a carriage with Discord. We were going to go to Fluttershy's cottage because her house was on the edge of town and we didn't want to be seen. From the looks of it this ride is going to be a long one.

(Mr. Timeskip!)

We arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, only to find that all of her friends were there too.

"Luna had to tell them all about you and who you are."

I loudly cleared my throat.

"I mean used to be."

We walked off the carriage into the yard. The only ones that didn't have a hostile look on their face were Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and their always nice or happy. I couldn't meet any of their eyes.

"Lady's these are Dark and Chrysalis. Dark, Chrysalis, these are Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight."

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