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(Dark's POV) After we finished our tea a nock at the door drew Fluttershy's attention. I was fiddling with the magic collar, which was still on, to try and find a way to open it. Chrysalis was sitting next to me. She seemed pretty jumpy since we came here. I'm guessing it's because she is without her subjects.

"Girls wait! You can't come inside right know!"

Fluttershy's voice rang through the house. Three filly's, all wearing signature capes, ran into the cottage. They stopped upon seeing Chrysalis and me. The purple and orange pegasus looked over her shoulder.

"Are they some friends of yours Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy was next to the front door looking frazzled.

"Of course they are little fillys."

I jumped. I forgot that Discord was here. All three of the fillys smiled at us.

"Hi I'm Scootalo and that's Sweetiebell and Applebloom."

They all nodded in turn at their name.

"I'm Dark."

Chrysalis thought about what she was going to say for a moment.

"I'm Chryssi."

They seemed to notice something.

"Oh, neither of you have your cutie mark! Do you wanna join our club, The Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

I looked over at Fluttershy, who was sitting there with a hoof over her face. I nodded and nudged Chryssi. She thought about it for a second but nodded her head soon after.

"Yay! Come on let's go play in the yard!"

With that we were dragged outside.

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