The Unwanted Addition

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(Chrysalis's POV) I collapsed after the rock pile was removed. Sombra put magic canceling collars on Dark, my subjects, and me, not that I have any magic left to use right know. My subjects, bless their hearts, came over and circled around me, protecting me from Sombra in their own little way. Sombra seemed annoyed that we all collapsed but there was no way to avoid it. Sombra went and sat down on some rocks, waiting for is to get our strength back. It started to snow. I looked over at my first in command.

"Go get Dark and lay her down next to me."

He didn't question it and quickly finished his task. Dark had grown on me in the past few days and it felt wrong leaving her in the cold. I layed down my head and slowly drifted to sleep.

(Dark's POV) I woke to the sound of hoof steps. I felt weak due to the lack of magic giving me energy.

"Is she awake yet?"

I suppressed a shudder as I heard Sombra's distorted voice. I felt someone lying next to me.

"The young queen nor the filly are awake yet."

I'm just going to sit here pretending to be asleep a bit longer. I'm guessing that Chrysalis is the one laying next to me. Sombra growled in frustration.

"If they don't wake up soon I'll wake them up myself, and it won't be pleasant."

Ok then. I guess there is no delaying this any longer. I waited for his hoof steps to go away to start stretching and to open my eyes. I gently nudged Chrysalis awake with my hoof. She slowly opened her eyes, which were almost just like mine.

"Is it time to go?"

Her voice had a slight croak to it from just waking up.

"Yes. It's time to start this journey with its one unwanted addition."

She giggled at this and we silently waited for Sombra's hoof steps to grow closer.

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