man he's become

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Last time on Always You...

"Boss- MAKKI!" Fucking Matsukawa Issei.

Iwaizumi glares at him.

"Matsukawa. What did you want?" He asks. Oh shit Iwa's mad.

"I-I... uh... I wanted to ask you why Daichi and Sugawara are here but hey what's Oikawa doing here? Long time no see." Mattsun smirks at us. Just as he finishes, Makki appears behind him.

"What's up babe?" He asks as Mattsun wraps an arm around his waist.

I look at Iwaizumi, a proud smirk on my face.

"You owe me 20 bucks, Iwa-chan."

"OIKAWA!" Makki yells, jumping onto the bed and attempting to hug me.

"Hanamaki. Off the bed. Now." Iwaizumi tells him. Makki climbs off and takes a proper look at us.

He gasps loudly.

"You two... cuddling... it would appear Mattsun also owes me 20 bucks." Mattsun reaches into his pocket.

"Not so fast, we're not dating." Iwaizumi says. I feel my heart stop at that painful reminder. I've always loved him. Since we were kids. But I was too scared to tell him. What if he didn't feel the same? What if he was straight? What if he hated me afterwards?

Now, we've been apart for so long I don't know if he even cares about me like he used to. What if I don't love the man he's become?

I look at him.

"Iwa-chan," He looks at me. "Why are Makki and Mattsun here?" I ask. He sighs and starts to rub my arm with his hand.

"It's a long story, Tooru." I pout. Iwa-chan has never been able to resist the pout. He moves his other hand to my hair, fiddling with it and running his fingers through it. "Everything changed after high school."

Makki and Mattsun sit cross legged on the end of the bed. Iwa-chan just rolls his eyes at them.

"Come on, boss. We love story time." Mattsun says. Nothing's changed with Makki and Mattsun.

"My uncle died and named me as his sole heir. I inherited everything. The houses, the money, the clothing, the servants, the family business and the family mafia." I'm not surprised. I knew Rock was the head of a mafia of some sort.

"All of a sudden I was in charge of a sports company and a mafia. I didn't know what to do so I asked the old team for help. Now you're the only one not in our mafia. Apparently, my uncle started building the mafia when he was at school so named it after his high school. I'm now the leader of West Castle." West Castle? I thought it was Castle. It's West Castle? But that's...

"Aoba Johsai?"

"Yep. Makes sense that the old team's all here. Well, apart from you. Anyway, my uncle died because he was killed by a smaller gang during a meeting with another small gang. The man he was meeting with was killed too. His nephew took over that gang, renamed it and built it up. The Crows are as strong as us now."

"Crows? You're not about to tell me that the second biggest mafia in the city are run by Karasuno." I jest.

"Well, their leader's in the building at the moment." Iwaizumi responds.

Wait what.

*insert gif of Kurt Hummel saying wait what and tilting his head here*

"Mattsun, go get the Crows' leader for us, will you?" Mattsun quickly stands up and runs out into the hallway.

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