All I want

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"Iwa-chan!" I stare at him in shock as he walks through the front door. He's clad in tactical gear and has a spray of blood up the side of his face. I run towards him and immediately lift up a hand. "Iwa, you're bleeding." I tell him, resting my hand on his cheek. He shakes his head.

"It's not my blood." He counters.

I make a small 'oh' sound and try to find something to say.

"I'm going upstairs to wash off the blood." Iwaizumi says, immediately walking towards the staircase.

"Iwa-chan, what about dinner?" I ask, my eyes pleading with him. He turns back around and grabs my arm.

"We can have dinner once you've helped me get rid of the blood." He declares. I just nod and hurry to keep up with him as he walks upstairs.

He throws open the door to our room and the pressure on my arm increases until I'm subconsciously whimpering, whilst still trying to catch my breath and not collapse.

"I-Iwa-chan..." I complain, feeling tears in my eyes. He whirls to look at me and lets go of my arm.

"Tooru... I'm sorry." He says, reaching forward and cupping my face in his hand. "I'm just very annoyed." Iwa sits on the bed and I join him. "The man who ordered to have you hurt, knew who I was, implied that I knew who he was but I'd just forgotten, and he wasn't scared of me until my finger was on the trigger."

I just nod and lay my head across Iwa's lap.

"Don't get too comfy, you still have to help me wipe the blood and brains off my face." Iwaizumi reminds me.

"Eww!" I scrunch up my nose.

"Aw, you look like a bunny." Is the response, along with a nose boop. "But you're still doing it." He pushes me away and stands up, heading for the bathroom.

I stand up when I hear the running water stop. I walk into the bathroom and find Iwa leaning over the sink, one arm propping himself up, the other scrubbing at the dried blood on his face. His tactical gear is strewn across the room and he's shirtless.

I find it hard not to watch as droplets of water travel down his body...

"Are you going to help?" Iwa's gruff voice says.

I jump slightly but then walk over and hop up onto the counter where the sinks are. I grab a washcloth and run it under a hot tap before squirting soap onto it.

Iwaizumi stands in front of me as I wipe at the red mark on his face. In some places, the blood has dried into black clumps of ew. I keep cleaning the washcloth and squirting the soap onto it before I turn back to Iwaizumi and rub at the mark.

"Jeez, I think I need to call you Icykawa. Your fingers are freezing. Who am I kidding, look at what you're wearing. Once we're done in here, your putting something warmer on." I don't argue and just continue rubbing away the last of the bloodstain.

"I-Iwa-chan..." I've just realised something.

"Yeah?" He looks at me with a concerned expression

"Is this going to be a regular thing?" I ask. He tilts his head. "You coming home with bloodstains on your skin and me sitting here washing it away." I clarify.

Iwaizumi puts his hands down on either side of me and drops his head onto my shoulder, sighing heavily. He pulls back to look at me, lifting one hand to rest it under my chin.

"I'm sorry, Tooru. But I'm the leader of a mafia. This is part of the job. I don't usually go out on hit missions, I mainly deal with the running of the things and diplomacy, but this one was personal. He had them hurt you. Nobody hurts my Shittykawa but me and a volleyball." I laugh slightly at his joke at the end but I just end up sobbing.

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