get in losers we're going shopping

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We eventually get into the part of the city with all of the shops that we want to go to and we wait outside Gucci before going in because the leaders (plus Kageyama) seem to be having an intense conversation.

The eventually finish and come back to us, having made a decision on whatever they had been discussing.

"Alright," Iwaizumi says, taking the lead. "We're giving you three hours of shopping time. The group will not split up any point and we're going to do a headcount before we leave each shop. After the three hours have passed, we're taking Oikawa for his chip, then going back to my house for you to play dress up with what you've bought. Apparently that's a pretty common thing with you lot."

Everyone laughs at his comment and we turn to go into the shop.

"Uh-uh. Not so fast." Daichi stops us. "You know the protocol." Protocol?

Hinata comes over to stand by me and the others 'follow protocol'. Tendou rolls up the bottom of his shorts a little bit more, Sugawara takes off his jacket, Kenma tucks his hoodie into his shorts and Akaashi adjusts the Bardot neckline of his shirt.

Apparently 'protocol' means making the marks visible. I assume that's to ward off people and let them know, even from a distance, who they're messing with.

We're finally given the all clear and we run inside to start shopping. I almost immediately find a super cute short jumpsuit and put it into my basket. I also collect up some cute shirts, skirts and cardigans before heading to the till to pay.

The girl at the till looks at my basket and then looks up at me.

"You're really attractive." She blurts out. She immediately gets very embarrassed and apologises.

"Oh no, no, no, it's fine." I try to assure her.

"H-How will you be p-paying today?" She stutters out.

"I don't know. Just let me ask Iwa-chan." I wave him over and he pulls out his card, swiping it over the reader. He must've noticed the girl's blush because he grabs my shopping bags in one hand and then wraps his free arm around my waist.

I notice that his jacket has slipped from his shoulder, exposing a tattoo.

It's a crown. Above it, it reads Aoba Johsai. Underneath, 'Hajime Iwaizumi'.

I push his jacket back up and notice that the girl has gone white.

She soon spots the marks on my friends and I think she's about to faint.

She looks back at me and I wink at her, holding up a finger to my lips and mouthing 'Shh'.

That was fun.

We go into a few more shops, spend stupid amounts of money, and finally collapse into our cars.

Iwa drives to the place where I'm getting my chip and the others follow us.

They all wait in their cars as I follow Iwaizumi into the small building.

It says outside that they do piercings and tattoos but they must do microchips as well.

"Nishinoya, Tanaka." Iwa greets them.

"Good to see you, Iwaizumi." Noya says. Then he notices me and hurtles over the counter. "OIKAWA!" He yells, hugging me.

There's footsteps and people come running down the stairs. Iwa said earlier that we're in the unclaimed territory part of the city. No man's land. Hence why this establishment is owned by Inarizaki but two members of Karasuno work here.

Kita and Osamu come to greet us and eventually Suna comes downstairs as well, a vape machine held between his teeth. Osamu pulls it out and puts it down on the counter, causing Suna to glare and pout.

'What can we do for you, Iwaizumi?" Kita asks. Iwa smirks and puts his hands on my waist.

"I'd like to get Tooru marked." He says. Everyone stands there in silence and I can't help but feel slightly iffy about the situation.

I'm going to be getting microchipped and labelled like a dog and Iwa's taking me in here and talking about me like I'm an object. I feel slightly angry.

"I've been without him for so long, he's my best friend, I couldn't bear for anything to happen to him. These marks are the best way of keeping him safe. If anything happened to him, I'd probably go off the deep end." Iwaizumi says. Aw, okay I'm not angey anymore. That was too sweet.

I forgot that these marks are symbols of importance and protection. Nobody will lay a hand on me if I have a mark, and if I get lost or kidnapped, Iwa will always be able to find me.

"Does the chip hurt?" I ask.

Osamu shakes his head.

"Even my wimp of a twin didn't shed a tear. He said it stings a little, but not enough that he'd cry." (I guess I'm just too tough to cry... I'm headed straight for the floor)

"How about you go and sit upstairs with Noya and Tanaka, we'll up in a minute with Iwaizumi and the microchip." Kita says.

I follow Noya and Tanaka upstairs and sit on the sofa in the workroom.

"So, you're getting a mark from Iwaizumi?" Noya asks. I nod.

"Uh, yeah. It's nice that he wants to protect me. He always has. That's what best friends are for, right?" I ask. I get two very shocked looks.

"You and Iwaizumi are just friends?" Tanaka asks.

"Yes..." I say slowly and unsurely.

"You do know who the marks are for, right?" Tanaka asks me another question.

"What relationship do all of the marked people have with their leader?" Noya asks.

"They're all..." It dawns on me. "They're all dating their leader."

Noya and Tanaka clap.

"Which means..." Tanaka urges.

"Is this Iwa-chan's way of asking me out?" I ask in surprise.

Round of applause.

Eventually Suna, Osamu and Iwa come upstairs with a small box and some tools.

Iwa sits next to me and holds my hand as Osamu sits on the floor, Suna standing nearby with the tool tray.

"Where do you want it?" Osamu asks. I think for a minute, remembering where the others have their marks.

I point to the top of my right shoulder blade and Osamu nods. He kneels on the sofa next to me.

"Can you please adjust your shirt so that I have access to the area?" He asks. I unbutton my top few buttons and push down my shirt.

I feel a cold liquid on my back.

"Don't worry, it's just to sterilise the skin and prevent an infection."

I breathe in and brace myself for the pain. As soon as I feel it, I squeeze Iwa's hand. It hurts. They lied. It's about twice as painful as a cat scratch.

I feel the weird sensation of the chip going into my back, followed by the rhythmic pinpricks of the stitches closing up the hole. I feel a plaster being put over it and then it's over.

"Iwa, it hurt." I complain. He rolls his eyes and stands up.

"Osamu, how much do I owe you?" He asks. Osamu shakes his head.

"Marks are free. Now take your boyfriend home, your convoy will be getting impatient." He jokes.

Iwa doesn't correct him.

We say our thank yous and goodbyes and head back to the car.

"You ready for dress up, Tooru?" Iwa asks.

I look at him, smiling, and nod.

My Iwa-chan likes me back.

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