Just fluffy filler (it starts with angst tho soz)

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I wake up panting, cold sweat dripping down my face. I look at the clock. 3am.

I try to recall what about my dream was so scary but as soon as I do the stress worsens. Post-nightmare anxiety. Yaay.

I feel my breath escaping me and I grab onto Iwa's arm, hoping to wake him. Luckily, he's a somewhat light sleeper so it's not long before he's awake but it's long enough that I've completely zoned out of the real world and my breathing is incredibly irregular.

Iwa immediately jumps into action, holding my hands and whispering random things to calm me down. I can't really focus on what he's saying but whatever it is helps. My breathing starts to fall into a more regular pattern and I start crying, mumbling "I'm sorry" repeatedly.

"It's okay." Iwa says, followed by a soft kiss. "Do you want to tell you me what you were so worked up about?"

"I've just remembered something from the night I got attacked." I tell him. "They called me 'Grand King': and I didn't have my mask on."

"That's really important." Iwa says. "I'm proud of you for finally remembering that. How about we go back to sleep and then deal with this in the morning, mkay?" I just nod in response and curl back against him.


Another nightmare. In the same night.

This one was about what happened when I was being tested by the Bureau. It was effectively torture.

I look at the time. 5am.

No point in going back to sleep.

I untangle myself from Iwa's arms and slide out of bed, carefully padding across the floor and then sneaking downstairs.

I make myself a glass of water and hop up onto the worktop before drinking it and fixing my hair in the shiny fridge doors.

I put down the empty glass and sigh. Is this normal? Is this healthy? That I'm waking up twice in one night from nightmares based on on memories.

Probably not.

"Oikawa?" I look up to see who called me.

"Mad-dog chan! I haven't seen you in ages!" I greet him. He grunts and walks over.

"Have you been crying?" He asks. I wipe my eyes with my hands and shake my head.

"Nope." I lie.

Mad-Dog looks at me, completely disbelieving.

"Kyou?" A voice calls. I look up to see Yahaba walking into the room.

Are they...?

"Shigeru, what are you doing up?" Mad-Dog walks over to him.

"The bed was cold..." Yahaba whines. Wow he's like a b-tech me.

"Go back to bed, I'll be up in a minute." I have never seen Kyoutani so soft in the entire time that I've known him.

"Come on, Kyou. We both know that you'll just stay down here drinking coffee and leaving photos of puppies around the house until Iwaizumi wakes up. You do the same thing every day. Please just come back to bed." Yahaba pleads.

Mad-Dog sighs and hugs his... boyfriend?

"Fine. But only cos I love you." He relents, kissing Yahaba on the nose. "See ya, Captain." He says goodbye to me and Yahaba finally notices my presence.

"Oi-Oikawa-san!" He says in shock.

"Good morning!" I say with a smile and wave.

A loud bang comes from the foyer and we rush to see.

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