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The door clicks and Iwaizumi walks back into the room.

"Iwa-chan." I say. He looks at me.

"You're awake?" He asks.

"You said you were done." I remind him, my voice flat.

"I am done as a supervillain." He tries to assure me. He walks towards me and tries to grab my arm.

"Don't lie to me." I respond, snatching my arm away, my emotions audibly leaking into my voice.

"I'm not lying!" Iwa tries to convince me.

"Yes you are! You said you were going after the guys who hurt me!" I feel my voice and anger raise.

"They hurt you. A supervillain wouldn't go after bad people." He says in a soft voice. "I'm also a mafia boss. They do hurt bad people. Bad people hurt a good person so, as a chaotic good person, I'm going after them."

Iwa slowly raises his hand to cup my cheek. I don't push him away.

"Tooru," I look him in the eyes. He's scared. "You're my best friend," Owch. "I couldn't bear to lose you again. So, just in case this was organised, I'm going after them."

I try to nod but, because of Iwa's hand on my cheek, it seems more like I'm just rubbing my head against his palm.

"What are you, a cat?" Iwa jokes. I laugh. "Have you been spending time with the Nekoma mafia or something?" Wait. What? My face must be one of surprise because Iwa starts rambling. "Yeah, Nekoma's a mafia. They were led by their old coach, Nekomata, until he stepped down but he didn't have any heirs so he got Kuroo to take over. Now the most dangerous people to kidnap are Sugawara, Kenma, Akaashi, Tendou and Atsumu because their partners will go absolutely batshit if they get taken. I guess we should be adding you to that list."

"Aww, Iwa-chan, you'd go crazy if I got kidnapped?" I tease, pulling back slightly. He laughs and pulls me in by the waist like he's about to waltz me.

"I'd slaughter anyone who dared lay even a finger on you." He says. His voice is scary when says it but it feels comforting. "When I get back, we're getting you marked. Nobody will even think about touching you if you have a mark."

I tilt my head in confusion.

"What's a mark?" I ask.

"We put a microchip under your skin and then, once it's healed up, put a tattoo over it saying that you're property of the Aoba Johsai leader. That should keep you safe enough." He says. I just nod like an idiot.

A guy I don't recognise walks in suddenly and I blush, very aware of how close I am to Iwaizumi.

"Uh, B-Boss, your car is, uh, ready, um, Sir." The guy stutters.

"Thank you." Iwaizumi reponds with a nod. The guy leaves and Iwa looks back down at me. "Will you be okay whilst I'm gone? Makki and Mattsun are here... I can draw up a list of people that can come visit you if you want?" He says.

I smile.

"I think I'll just sleep until you come home."

"No way! It's lunchtime now! Go downstairs and... wait... I'll get Mattsun to bring you up some lunch and he and Makki will sit with you. I'll be home for dinner, I promise." Iwa says. I nod in acknowledgement.

He walks towards the door and opens it but turns back around and comes back to me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and kisses my forehead.

I suddenly feel the urge to hug him.

I wrap my arms around him and bury my face into his chest. I feel his arms hug me back and his chin drops on top of my head.

Neither of us say anything.

We don't need to say anything.

It's just me and my Iwa-chan.

The way it used to be.

The way it should be.

The way it will be forever now.

I have my Iwa-chan.

He's back and he's mine.

And I love him.

_-_ Iwa's POV

"We have eyes on him, Boss." One of my men says.

"Get him." I order. "And bring him to me."

I hear yelling and screaming and fighting until finally my men drag a body with them.

"I hope he's alive." I comment.

They take off the bag over the body's head.

A young man, younger than myself, looks up at me.

"Hello again." He says.

"Who are you?" I demand. I check my watch- I'm going to be late.

"Your worst nightmare."

That's disgustingly cliché.

"Oh really? You're waking up in the morning to find the other side of the bed empty and realising that the past few weeks were just a dream?" I ask.

"You really don't remember me, Hajime Iwaizumi?" The guy asks.

I dart forward and hold a knife up against his neck.

"How do you know my name?" I demand.

"Everyone in the underworld knows who you are."

"Do you know why I've brought you here?" I ask, stepping back and pacing in a way that I've been told looks very menacing.

"No." Is the response.

"You hurt someone very very important to me." I tell him. I hold up my phone and a picture of Tooru in his tiara. "You had him beaten up on your command a few weeks ago-"

On cue, my men drag in the thugs who hurt Tooru and unmask them.

-by these men." The young man finally looks scared. "I'm going to have them killed in front of you, now." I inform him. "But killing you, is my pleasure."

I hear yells as the thugs are disposed of.

I put a bullet straight through the man's head.


He should know better than to mess with The King.

Also, he was in my territory. It's fair game.

"Alright, let's get home. It's dark and I promised Tooru I'd be home for dinner."

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