Part 2

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Not texting
Horny drunk guy: 1:39 pm

Immmm borrrred
Entertain me book boy

Aren't you in class?

Minnie is teaching a very boring lesson

You call your teacher Minnie?

The thing is Im basically her favourite student.

Whatever. I'm not your personal entertainment and I'm still in class. A class in which I don't want to fail. Bye.

I'm sure you could pass any class without paying attention.

You don't know me.
I said bye. Leave me alone and pay attention to 'Minnie'.

Book guy don't leave me!

Remus rolled his eyes and slid his phone into his sweater pocket. He felt it buzzing but ignored it and wrote down notes to go with what Professor McGonagall was saying.

Lily was glaring at a boy Remus only knew by the name of Potter who liked to stare at Lily in his free time. He raised his hand to his ear and made a sign with his fingers as if to say call me. Lily rolled her eyes and threw an arm around Remus' shoulder, leaning against it to whisper to him. "Why can't Potter just leave me alone?"

"Because he's head over heels for you," Remus stated and scribbled down a quick formula. He felt his phone buzz again just as McGonagall started scolding a student.

"Mr Black, please put away your device," she asked with her arms crossed.

The whole class was staring at the boy now. Both Potter and Sirius sat in the back of the class so Remus had to turn around to look at him. The long haired boy seemed to notice all that attention and when he caught Remus' eye he quickly looked away and set down his phone. "Right. Sorry Miss."

McGonagall rolled her eyes and went back to the board. Remus hesitantly turned back around but not before catching another glance at the boy. That was a little weird moments ago.

As Remus went back to paying attention to the board he heard Potter gasp at his friend. "What was that? You just looked away and gave up?"

Sirius quickly shushed Potter. "Shh. Not so loud or they'll hear and then they'll..."

Remus couldn't quite hear the rest and dismissed it. He felt his phone buzz again and look down at the screen. There were several texts from Padfoot.

Booooook boyyyy
Damn. Did you leave me?
Book boy?
I really need a better name for you.

Remus glanced around to see if any teachers were looking and quickly texted back.

You can call me wolf boy. It's what my friends call me.

Oh! You responded!
Wolf boy eh?
How about I call you...


You're right. It wouldn't work especially if you're more of a moaner.

Merlin! Get a filter!

What about...

Stop. Wolf boy is bad enough.

I got it!

Oh lord.



Do you actually like that one?!

I guess. It has a nice ring to it.

Moony... it really does, doesn't it?
Moony is a name deserving of a marauder.


Group of my friends. I'm Padfoot, James is Prongs and my other friend is Wormtail.

You are a very strange boy, Padfoot.

How do you know I'm a boy?
I could be an adult.

You told me you are in school.

I could be in college or University.

Ok then. How old are you?


I'm not telling some random stranger my age.

Do I seem like someone who will murder you?


Fair point.
Do I seem like someone who would put the effort into tracking you down?

No. Anyone who doesn't use periods is too lazy to do such a thing.


I'm still not telling you my age.

Let me guess at least!




I was right!
We are the same age!

Yeah. Whatever.

Dang! Minnie's going to catch me if I stay texting any longer.


Remus looked up from his phone with a small smile grazing his lips. He quickly erased the stupid look from his face and scowled at himself. This was stupid. He'd been talking to this stranger for a day and he was already considering the idea of him being a friend.

He shook his head. He wouldn't be his friend. In a few days he'll stop texting and Remus will never have to talk to him again. So for a few days, Remus would keep his guard up.

Remus tapped a few things into his phone before setting it aside.

Contact name changed to: Padfoot

He would keep his guard up. He wouldn't get close to another boy bound to ruin him. He wouldn't get attracted, not like last time.

He would keep these promises.


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