Part 15

955 59 135

Not in texting

Padfoot <3

It's a miracle that I once thought you were straight.

It's a miracle no one else has figured out I'm not.
It's also a miracle James hasn't accidentally told anyone.
Your point?

I just saw you blasting DEH in the art room.

Hey! You're the one that got me into it!
It can be straight!

You were playing Sincerly, me. That's not straight.

You like it

Your singing isn't horrible

*le gasp*


Aaaaand he's back

Stfu, you like it.


Not the winky face.


A bubble of laughter escaped Remus and he had to hide his face in his hands. He really didn't want anyone to see the dark blush creeping up his face. This was so embarrassing.

"You talking to Pads?" Peter asked as he plopped down on the bench next to him, a sandwich in hand.

He shot him a glare. "You know he's Sirius."

Peter shrugged and said as best he could with a mouthful of food, "Yeah but he's always gonna be Padfoot."

"Yeah yeah, and I'll always be Moony and you Wormtail."

"Don't forget James!"

"And James will always be Prongs."

Pete gave a satisfied nod and Remus couldn't help shaking his head at his friend.

This past week has been weird to say the least. He was still trying to navigate his past and constantly felt he was walking across a tight rope over a cannon but at least now the other side seemed closer.

Speaking of closer, Remus somehow managed to get closer to Sirius. He spent most of his time over at the Potters hanging out with the boy who'd assuredly stolen his heart. He was going there tonight and well, tonight would be different.

Lily has been trying to help him with his feelings. She, unlike all his other friends, didn't have a connection to him from when he was younger. She wasn't looking at the situation as how Remus' feeling were three years ago, and he's pretty sure he had a massive crush on Sirius back then maybe more, but instead how they are now. And only now.

He was comfortable talking to her about stuff like crushes and all that secret stuff, anyways. Now though, now she was the last person who trusted with that stuff and didn't drag his amnesia into it. Point is, now he was sure in what he was feeling after talking it out with Lily.

He was utterly and completely in love with Sirius Orion Black. Otherwise known as Padfoot, someone he'd been falling for, for months.

Sure, Sirius and himself have had a rough month but they sorted it out... kinda. There are still things Remus doesn't understand or is curious about but now at least he knows that he can always just ask. He was allowed the communication they had lacked before.

Now all he had to do was gather up the courage to actually tell him he wanted more out of this than just friendship and silly texts. Though he wouldn't want the silly texts to disappear if their relationship does change to something more... desirable.

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