Part 6

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(Two weeks later)

Padfoot: Friday-4:12pm



You do know that sometimes when you add periods to your texting it makes you sound like a bit of an ass?

So I've been told.

Annnnd you just don't care?

Well it didn't seem to get you to leave me alone.

You're gald it didn't.
You love me now.

What I don't love is your spelling mistakes.

I have to have some flaws baby.

Eww. Flirting.


Meh. Sometimes it's amusing to watch you try.

Sometimes it's amusing to watch you play hard to get.

Whatever. There is no convincing you.
What are you doing?

Texting you.

What were you doing before?

Replaying the conversation I had with my crush today

Remus choked on the chip he was eating. Beside him Peter jumped at the sudden cough and quickly paused the movie.

"Remus mate, you okay?" He asked as he rushed to Remus' aid. Remus nodded his head, now recovered from his coughing fit. He was not okay. Not emotionally at least. Padfoot has a crush? Who? Since when?

Dozens of questions flew through Remus' mind. His liking for Pads had only grown stronger over the past two weeks and this was definitely not what he wanted to hear. He already had enough stress about going to Sirius' for dinner with him and James later, he didn't need to find out that his crush fancied someone else.

Merlin, he was being hypocritical. Yes, Remus too likes someone else. Big surprise. Over the past two weeks he had spent more and more time with Black. They hung out on the weekends and walked to each others classes in the halls. Remus liked being his friend but when the night marking a week since they promised to be friends he started to wonder what it would be like to be more. It was just a quick thought, it came as fast as it went. Remus tried to convince himself it was purely attraction to Sirius' looks. Anyone who had seen him could say that Sirius Black definitely looked the best out of his classmates.

So, Remus developed a crush, purely physical attraction (with some feelings, not that Remus would admit it), on Sirius Black while his feelings for Padfoot grew even stronger. As of this point, Remus liked Padfoot more. If only he could actually meet Padfoot.

"What happened to make you choke?" Peter asked pulling Remus out of his thoughts.

"It was nothing," he confessed as he went back to texting on his phone and Peter unpaused the movie.

Nice. How did that go?

It was pretty great!
He's so adorable. He doesn't even know it.
I really like talking to him. We used to be best friends but then he went away and when he came back he ignored me. I can't believe he's actually talking to me again!
I can't stop thinking about his cute smile. Help.

He sounds amazing Pads.

He does not. Remus wanted to strangle whoever this guy was. How could anyone ignore Padfoot? He wouldn't ignore him. Why does this boy have to be 'cute' too? Remus' chances are completely gone. Not that he had much of a chance anyway, Padfoot is a person from the internet. There is no way they could ever date.

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