Part 4

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Out of texting

Padfoot: 1:05 am

Did you get home alright?

This is Prongs.

Oh. Hi James.

Do you know where Pads is?

No. Why? I told him to find you. He seemed pretty drunk in his texts.


Thanks anyway Moony

I hope you find him.

Remus really did hope they found the boy. It would be a shame if he got hurt. That thought only got Remus worrying. What if he got in an accident? What if he was injured? What if he... no. He's already had someone die that way.

He winced at the thought of that day two years ago. He was just sixteen years old. He had an excellent life, living in America for his high school years, enjoying his music lessons that would hopefully help him get into Hogwarts and best of all, spending his days with his girlfriend Nymphadora Tonks. He loved her so much it hurt. He knew she loved him back and had hoped things would never change. Change came quicker than he thought.

They'd gone out to some stupid party one of their classmates held. It was a small gathering, not even twenty people, but they drank enough for a good thirty-five grown people. Tonks and Remus were tipsy but not as wasted as the others. He can't quite remember what happened next. He knew they'd gotten in the car, Tonks swerved into a ditch and BAM! He was knocked out and when he woke from his week long coma he didn't have a girlfriend. Nymphadora had died. How many times Remus had to repeat those words to himself, he didn't know. That's when he decided he was done with America. He went home as soon as could and not just without the girl of his dreams but also a piece of his memory. The doctors in both America and London said impact to the brain damaged his memory, stealing away parts of his childhood.

In the present, Remus shivered. He wished he had forgotten that night.

Remus glanced down at the boy still sleeping in his lap. He hoped he wouldn't have to experience anymore heartbreak. He'd never seen Sirius Black break but looking at his ruined state right then, Remus couldn't help but wonder who it was that could destroy him so much.


Remus shifted his gaze to the door where the sound had came from. The door swung open to reveal Jay, a frightened look plastered to his pale face. Jay's eyes darted from Sirius' head in Remus' lap to the other boys hand subconsciously stroking his soft locks. Remus supposed the fact he'd given his sweater to Sirius as a blanket didn't help the situation either.

"So that's where he's been," Potter deadpanned.

Remus quickly retracted his hand quickly from Sirius' hair with the same speed as a thirteen year old boy would slam his laptop shut when his mum walks in his room. "Thank Merlin you're here!" Remus cried. "He thought I was you no matter how many times I told him I wasn't."

Jay chuckled lightly but his laughter died down and his expression softened when his eyes landed on Sirius. "Poor thing," He said.

"Does this happen often?"

"Often enough that I know its prbably the same reason as the last three times he's been this low. He's so caught up in love he doesn't know it's hurting him."

"Maybe he thinks the boy he's in love with is worth the heartache," Remus offered.

Jay's eyes snapped to his. "Boy? You know?"

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