Part 11

773 35 18

Mrs Lupin
Mr Lupin
Not in texting

Lily Flower : Friday - 11:37 pm

are you staying over at Sirius?
u there?
I'm getting worried.
Just please text me back when you see this.

Rat boy : Saturday - 12:23 am

When are you going to be home?
Are u ok?
Lily won't believe me when I tell her that you probably just fell asleep at Siri's place
Text back in the morning when you see this

Lily Flower : Saturday - 9:12 am

Kind of weird that your not here in the morning making us breakfast at the crack of dawn >D
Not even going to correct that?
Cmon I know you're up by now

Roomies Group Chat : Saturday - 10:43 am


R u ok?
Dude, are you alive?

Of course he's alive
Did we do something wrong?

Are you mad at us?

Remus scrolled through the texts from both that morning and last night with a frown on his face. He glared at the key board as he typed out a quick reply.

I'm fine.

He knew that wouldn't satisfy them but at least it might get them to leave him alone for a little bit. Knowing them, he figured they won't stop pestering until they are sure he's okay.

The phone buzzed in his hand as he turned it onto silent and tossed it onto the dresser next to his bed. He rolled over in the bed and pulled the covers tighter around his chest as he let out a shaky sigh. He'd deal with them later.


Remus woke up again three hours later with an annoyed groan. It was too damn hot in these hotel sheets. And they were gods damn itchy too.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and felt the blood rush to his head with a dizzying pain. That in itself was enough to make him want to crawl back into the world of sleep but his stomach continued to remind him that he hadn't eaten anything since dinner at Sirius'.

With all the effort and energy he had left, he forced himself to his feet as he hopelessly crawled over to the mini fridge that came with the hotel. He opened it only to slam it shut again as he remembered that fuck, of course he didn't think of buying any food when he checked in last night. He wasn't really thinking much at all last night.

The mattress creaked slightly as he plopped back down on it. He reached for his phone only to be bombarded by the dozens of messages he had missed. Deleting all the ones from Pete and Lily without even checking them, he moved on to the ones that caught his eyes.

His parents.

They never texted him. Not since he moved out. It used to be constant check ups and concerning messages but after a few weeks they got the hint he wasn't going to respond to those sorts of things. They didn't put an effort into contacting him after that, after all, what was Remus but a pity case to them?

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