Part 12

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Not in texting
(A/N: Also those little "..."  in the texting means a pause in typing. So, like the message took a while before being sent or even written)

"Why so glum, chum?" Peter asked as he nudged him. Remus shrugged, the weird feeling in his stomach not going away. Just looking at his food made him feel even more unappetized. 

"Yeah," Lily said from across the table. "The past three days you've been a little off."

He pushed at his diner with his fork in a bored manner. It wasn't like he wanted to be so gloomy but he couldn't help it. Worry was starting to eat away at him. 

"Dunno." A lie. He knew exactly why he was feeling this way. 

Padfoot hadn't texted him since Friday, nearly six days ago, when he'd came out about his amnesia. Had he scared him away? It wouldn't be all that surprising. He means, if he were the one to find out that his online friend was mentally broken he probably wouldn't want to have to deal with that either. 

He tried to convince himself to man up and just ask the damn guy if he had a problem with him. That task alone felt hard enough, the confrontation that would follow seemed somehow even worse. 

In the past three days, he'd had enough serious conversations to last him a lifetime. Lily and Pete were fairly good when it came to his situation. He sometimes felt as if he never told them, only being reassured it wasn't some fever dream on the occasional time they'd ask him a question about it. 

The thing his friends seemed most worried about wasn't actually his amnesia, but instead the consequences it was having on his and Sirius' relationship. He can't count how many times he'd had to tell them that no, he was not going to just go up and talk it out with Black. 

They seemed to understand more once he explained how right now, it was already weird knowing he had a past with that boy, having a future with him and James too seemed impossible at the time. That still didn't stop Lily and Peter from trying. Remus just wasn't sure if continuing as Sirius' friend would be a good idea and they couldn't seem to get that. 

"It's about Pads, isn't it?" 

It was Peter who interrupted Remus' thoughts. The rat boy was leaning across the table, a challenging look in his eyes, daring to be denied. He sighed and nodded. 

"Of course it is," Pete mumbled. His pointer finger jutted at his chest. "Listen wolf boy, if he hasn't been texting you then maybe it's about time you text him first. I thought you really liked this guy."

Remus stared down at his food again. "I do. Just, what if I scared him away?" 

"What if you didn't? What if he's feeling guilty? He's the one who encouraged you to go to Sirius' house in the first place, and he must know something went down that night so maybe he feels like he put you in that position," Peter argued.

"That doesn't explain why he'd be avoiding me."

"Maybe because he thinks he's part of the problem and that removing himself from the situation is the best thing for you," Lily countered, with a little smirk. 

It made sense, it did but a part of Remus felt like that wasn't the case at all. He knew there was something about Padfoot's silence that was off. None of this seemed right. He just wanted his friend back. 

He shook his head. "I doubt it."

"Hmph, whatever," Lily crossed her arms. Her eyes seemed to widen then and she nearly jumped out of her seat as the door bell rang. "Crap! I forgot!"

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