Part 8

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"And then this idiot right here-" James nudged Sirius "-decided it would be a good idea to jump off the bloody roof!"

Sirius threw his hands in the air like the drama king he is. "It was one story up!"

"It got us suspended!"

Remus couldn't contain his laughter anymore and he clutched at his stomach. He leaned on Sirius, laughter erupting from him. The other boy smiled down at him and quickly Remus felt his face heat up. Clearly Black had noticed and soon a scarlet color covered both boys cheeks.

James cleared his throat and got up. He picked up all three of their plates and rushed off to the kitchen, leaving Sirius and Remus alone.

Remus moved away from his friend slightly. Friend, he reminded himself. That's all.

Sirius looked away and quickly got up. "Er, let's go to my room while the others clean up. We can pick out a movie for when they're done."

He nodded and followed the Black up the stairs and to his room. Sirius dramatically flopped down on his bed. He shot Remus a grin and gestured to the collection of CD's stacked across three whole shelves against his wall.

The light brown haired boy sat down on the floor and trailed his finger across the CD case's. "You sure have a lot of them."

"Yup!" Sirius slid down from his bed so he sat next to him. He pointed to a section of the CD's. "They're all sorted into genre sections. Classics, Thriller, Action, Fantasy, Mainstream, and favorites."

Remus chuckled only certain that three of the ones he listed were actually genres. His eyes shifted to the section that must have Sirius' favorites. One disc in particular caught his attention.

His eyes lit up as he reached forward and pulled the item off the shelf. Panic seemed to wash over Sirius as he yelped and quickly took the disc from his friends hand. "Hehe, don't know what that's doing there. Uh, I'm just going to go give it back to James and then we can-"

"Oh no you don't," Remus snickered as he tugged the CD out of the boys hand. It wasn't hard to tell he was lying. Besides, Remus had already seen what movie it was. Avatar. "There is nothing to be embarrassed about. This movie-" he waved the disc in his hand "-is one of my favorites to."

He was glad to know someone other than just Padfoot shared his love for the epic film. Thinking of Pads made something inside him ache. He wanted to talk to the lovable idiot after being deprived of his texting time by Peter earlier. He wanted to thank him again for the way he helped him when he was panicking.

Side eyeing Sirius and the blush that was creeping up his face, Remus knew he was in trouble. Why couldn't his life be normal? Why did he have to fall so hard for two guys at the same time? It would be so much easier if he could pick between them. Part of his conscience was telling him that liking Pads was the safer option because he'd known him longer but the other part of him argued that at least he knew who Sirius was and that he isn't some online stalker.

So yeah, just an average hormonal teacher at war with himself in his head over two boys. He was so screwed.

"You like Avatar to," Sirius said, almost shy. Remus tried not to laugh at how uncharacteristic is was for the other boy.

"Yeah! It's one of the best movies ever!" He fangirled. "Like that scene where Jake flies in on Toruk Makto! That was awesome!"

Sirius smiled but still shook his head as if challenging him. "Yeah but the best scene by far was when all the creatures rushed in to aid them and Neytiri shouted-"

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