Part 13

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Remus was practically shaking with jitters buy the time he reached the bridge by Hogwarts. His mind was still struggling to wrap around the fact that he was going to meet Padfoot. As excited as he was about that, he was more worried about how Pads knew he lived in London. It seemed no matter how many times he tried to convince himself that it was just a lucky guess, the more he realized there was more than luck to it.

A shiver ran up his spine. He had no clue who Padfoot really was and the fact he knew he lived in town wasn't helping the suspicion he was some stalker.

His hand tapped on the railing as he leaned on it. It was a chilly night, Remus noticed knowing that the winter season was nearing. He wished for a moment he'd worn more than just a light sweater. He'd been in so much of a hassle to leave his flat that he barely remembered to tell Peter he was heading out, never mind grabbing warmer clothing.

Peter didn't say much when it came to his leaving. Simply telling him to not be out for too long or both himself and Lily would worry. In truth, Remus doesn't know how long this meeting will take. It could range anywhere from hours to minutes, entirely depending on who exactly Padfoot was... or if Pads decides to walk out and ignore him like he had been for the past week.

His chest tightened at the thought. It was painful enough to go without him this past week, it would be so much worse to never get to talk to him again. He'd grown too attached. To used to their casual texts and conversations.

Remus was finally starting to gain confidence when it came to talking to the boy. It didn't seem to matter whether he was a thousand miles away or not. Just talking was enough. Even the flirting was nice when Remus didn't become a stuttering blushing mess.

Shaking his head, Remus pulled the sleeves of his sweater down more on his wrist. The sound of footsteps caused him to look up across the brigde. A boy stood there on the otherside, staring blankly at him. In the dark Remus could barely make out the curls of long dark hair but that was enough for him to know exactly who it was.

He found himself staring back, heart picking up in his chest and the cold fading away as his face heated up. He didn't know if it was from anger or embarrassment. Probably both.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his eyes trailing back to the ground, waiting for an answer. "It's late."

"It is. You're still out here," Sirius said, taking a step closer to where Remus stood. If he could have picked a worse time for Sirius to show up, there wouldn't be many other options. There was still so much he had to sort out when it came to Black. He just needed a little more time, he wasn't ready to confront him.

He sighed. "I'm waiting for someone."

"Clearly," Sirius said as he leaned against the railing next to him. His shoulder brushed with Remus' and he didn't know whether to pull away or lean closer. It felt like every part of him was conflicting. "It's a beautiful night."

He nodded despite himself. The stars were clear that night, not hidden by fog like usual. It took all his will power to not look over at Sirius then, especially when flashes of a memory relayed behind his eyelids.

"What about that one! I bet you can't name it!" Sirius challenged as he pointed to a star in the sky.

He glanced at his best friend and sighed. "Sirius."

The boy furrowed his eyebrows and turned to face Remus again, propping his chin on his hand. Their eyes met and Remus felt himself getting trapped again. It seemed since he turned eleven those sorts of butterflies that were filling him up then were a lot more normal. He didn't understand them. Why were they only around Siri? He'd have to ask his parents, or maybe Mrs Potter.

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