The news

615 11 4

Sorry I have been so busy so haven't been updateing. Sorry about this chapter being so short as well I just have exams and stuff. I don't have much time plus I apologise in advance for all my bad spelling mistakes :)

Sam's P.V.O

I put the phone down and looked at the flower shop card that was held in my hand. I had decided that I was going to send Lilly flowers every day hoping one day she would open here eyes and see them. It was a silly thought but I still longed to see Lilly Colby had persuaded me that it was a bad idea and deep down  I knew that he was right.

'Have you been sending flowers to the hospital again Sam?'

I looked up in surprise I hadn't heard Colby come down the stairs he had moved so fast and swift.


'You shouldn't Sam what if the police trace the flowers back to us then what do we do'

'How would they and besides you can always just get that witch of yours to cast a spell and make everything better'

'She has a name you know!'

'I no okay I just don't see why you had to get her involved'

'Sam you left me no choice she was the only one i could get to make a spell powerful enough to get rid of all leads to us.'

'Fine what ever I don't see why she keeps coming over so much'

'Sam just let it drop okay she helped us out yeah she's a witch but I don't care she's are friend. Unlike this Lilly girl who is a human and has coursed you nothing but trouble'

'Don't talk about Lilly like that it's not her fault and you where the one who run her over with the car if it wasn't for you she wouldn't be lieing in that hospital bed'

'No Sam no your the one how got involved with a human not me!'

Colby walked out the front door and slammed it shut. I started to feel bad because Colby was right it was my fault all this was my mess I was the one who corse it and I would have to be the one to sort it out...


Max's P.O.V

I woke up to the ringing of my phone I picked it up. It was mum and she sounded in a panic she told me it was urgent and that I needed to come to the hospital and get hold of dad if i could and tell him to get there as soon as possible.

Mum hung up and I looked down at my phone I felt my heart in my chest beat fast. Lilly it had to be Lilly. Oh gosh I want it to be good news I don't think mum could bare any more bad news and neither could I to be honest.  All we all wanted was for Lilly to wake up and everything to be back to normal.

I rang dad's phone. Voice mail I left a message telling him to get his ass in gear and head to the hospital as soon as he got the message.

Dad had seamed to decided that life would still go on and he worked all the time never went to see Lilly he never even asked how she was it was like he had just forget all about his family and his dying daughter.

I got dressed and grabbed my car keys no time for breakfast yet again headed straight out the door to my car. I started the engine and pulled away from the drive. When I noticed something it was like a shadow or something but when I looked bake it was gone almost like a person was stood there but there was nothing there. I shook my head and headed towards the hospital.

When I got there I parked my car in the same spot I had parked it these last few months and paid my £17.49 for parking for a who day it was a rip off but I would pay it because it was for Lilly anyway and she was worth every penny.

I grabbed two coffees from the café one for me and one for mum mine was black I needed it because I could tell this was going to be along day and probably one of the hardest.

I decide to take the lift to Lilly's floor and when I headed towards Lilly's room I was stoped by nurse Katie.

'Hey Max your mum's in there waiting for you with doctor Edwards just in there'

She pointed me towards a door at the end of the corridor there was no window it and it said on the door Mr. Edwards office

'Thanks' I said while smiling at her. She was a blond slender nurse and very beautiful but I didn't fancy her.

Headed towards the door dreading what awaited me on the other side.

I pushed the door open and saw a room with not much in it except a desk on one side sat a large man with glasses who I assumed was Doctor Edwards in the other side sat my mother there was two chairs next to her she had been hoping my father would be coming too. I looked at my mother shore my head and closed the door behind me.

'Please take a seat you must be Max'

I didn't say anything I just sat down next to my mother I handed her the coffee I had gotten her she took it from me and took on sip before placing it down on Doctor Edwards desk.

'So why are we here Mr Edwards' asked my mother

'I thought I would explain when your husband arrived easier to explain it to all of you at once'

'My husband isn't coming' snapped my mother Doctor Edwards looked shocked 'I'm sorry I'm just a bit stressed and confused. Please just tell me why have you asked us to come see you'

Your daughter is very ill and we have come across something most unusual. It seams Lilly is not stable at all we had thought Lilly was only in a coma no damage seemed visible and till now Lilly is loosing a lot of blood and we don't no how. We have reason to believe that she may have a internal bleed in her brain.

'Oh gosh' mu mother had grabbed hold of my hand and I could feel her grip getting tighter.

We are left with a decision you have 3 options.  Option one is to leave Li how she is but no that what ever is happening to the blood she is loosing could be killing her. Option two is to let us try out a operation on Lilly which could help us to find out what happened to the blood she is losing. Your finally option is that Lilly's machine is to be turned off.

'No no no this can't be no not my little girl no!'

My mother was in tiers screaming I didn't no what to do and I could feel tiers running down my face. All I could think to do was grab hold of mum and hold her so tiet close next to me. All I could think was why? Why Lilly? why?

More than just a smile (Sam and Colby)Where stories live. Discover now