getting to know Sam

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Max's P.O.V

It had been 2 day's and the police and found nothing no trace to the followers and Lilly's missing. I don't understand how they can not find out what has happend to my sister.

I sat at the breakfast table with my mother the TV switched onto the news and the phone on the table. My mum had been sat up all night waiting for amy news about Lilly but nothing. For all we new she could be dead.

'Why did you lie to me?'

'What do you mean mum?'

'You told me Lilly didn't have a boyfriend that Sam was made up but he's not his name was on them flowers!'

'Honestly mum I thought he wasn't really. I think those flowers where some kinda sick joke'

'What kind of person would do that!'

'I don't know. I you really need to get some sleep mum you haven't had a proper rest in months?'

'Do you know why because I haven't had my little girl in months and now she may have finally woke up and she has gone!'

'I know mum it has been hard for us all'

'Not for your father he seams to has forgotten that he even had a daughter!' My mother shouted towards the door as my father left for work.

I brought my close to me and huge her tiet I whispered in her ear. 'I know I know'


Sam's P.O.V

She knows now and probably hates me. Colby told her the truth about what happened that night and I guess the truth had to come out but I kinda hope I could get to know her before she began to hate me. Oh well I guess there's no hope now I really did like her I mean I felt a conection Colby says it's because she is has my blood and is now part of me. By old Vampire law she belongs to me but I would never tell her that she is able to make her own desistions I would never force here to stay with me after all I'm a monster she would never want to be with me.


I quickly turned I around I haven't heard her come in.


'Col by said you might be in here he's popped to the shop'

'Oh. Um can I show you something'

'Um yeah I guess'

'Come with me'

I was going to take her to my favourite place ever on top of the roof it was hard to get up there but once you got there you could see for miles and the stars would look amazing at night. It was early morning and I geuss I hadn't really thought to much about it and till I went to open the door and but my self on the bit of sun light that creeper through.


'Oh my gosh you okay' Lilly had taken hold of my hand and was checking my burn ever so gently in a mater of seconds the mark was gone and my hand was fine she was still holding on and it was incredibly soft.

'Yeah I'm fine' I smile then qwick shut my mouth afraid that I had just showed my teeth to her. She let go of my hand and looked at the growned.

'So what was it you wanted to show me?'

'Oh well there a problem I forgot about the sun. I could u sadly go out but it seams to be extra bright and I haven't put in any sun cream plus. I think it would probably kill you I'm really sorry. I was stupid I didn't think'

'It's okay' she said still looking at the ground'

'Hey I have a much better idea' I said taking my hand to lift up her chin so I could see her beautiful face. She didn't brush my hand away just smiled uo into my eyes. I felt my stomach twist.


'We can play hide and seek'


'Hide and seek it's a game when we take turns in hiding and finding each other'

'I know what hide and seek is silly just isn't it a kids game'

'Yeah but not when you live in a house that has many hidden rooms that even Colby's family haven't even discovered let. I still get lots'

'Aha I would rather not get lost. Thanks anyway'

She began to walk away and I felt like such and ideot why had i ever suggest hide and seek it was such a kids game it was just the first thing that came into my head. Qwick I had to say something she was walking away.

'Do you like Oreos?'

'Di I there like only my favourite snack ever!'

'Snap there mine too. Follow me'

Lilly's P.O.V

I followed Sam to the room I had found him in it was a room which I assumed to be his it had a large bed in the middle and a old closet there was clothes every where and there was a guitar in the corner of the room. Sam quickly began picking up clothes and cramiming it into his draws and closet he kicked stuff under is bed and then turned smiled at me and gave a kinda awkward laugh.

'So where is the oreos?'

Oh yeah here he said opening one of his draws which had five new unopened packets in it.

'I keep them In here other wise Colby will eat they. One thing you had gotta learn if there is food in this house it won't last'

'Ahah is that right'


he chucked me a packet.

'You can have the whole packet'

'Awh thanks'

They where double stuffed the best ones you can buy. I opened them up and begain munching.

'So how did yiu enjoy your sleep last night'

'It was good thanks'

'Did yiu discover the hidden door?'

'Yeah there's a hinden door like I said this house I huge and has loads of hidden rooms and passages'


'Why what?'

'What dose it have loads of handen passages and stuff'

'Oh it's an old Vampire house expashaly made so that for any person newly visiting the house they would get lost and also means if an intruder was to brake in you could easily make a run from them and hide'

'Like a Vampire hunter. Do they still excited'

'Sadly yes but not many since we made an agreement between humans and Vampires'

'An agreement?'

'Yes there are many laws that can not be broken if you brake one the punish ment is death for both Vampire or human'

'Oh great guess I better not brake any of these laws then'

Sam swallowed 'yeah better not'

More than just a smile (Sam and Colby)Where stories live. Discover now