time to wake up sleeping beauty

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Sam's P.O.V

As soon as the last shimmer of sunlight disappeared I got ready to leave. I new it was to risky taking the car Colby would hear me leave and wonder where i was going I didn't want him to know. If he did then he would try and stop me but I had to go see Lilly.

I climbed off of the window ledge where i had been sat and headed for the back door.  I turned the lock as slow as I could but it made a loud click as the lock shifted I tensed not wanting to make any more noise. Colby seamed to still be asleep.

I began to shut the door when Koki cane running up to me barking and wagging her tail.

'Ssshhhh Koki sshh'

A few moments later I look up and there is Colby stood stearing at me.

'Where are you going'

'For a walk clear my head and stuff'

'Okay I will get my coat'

'No! I mean I need some time on my own okay'

'Yeah sure what ever. I'm mean it's not like you can talk to me or anything'

With in a blink of an eye he was gone. Why was I being such a ass me and Colby had been through everything together and here I was lieing to him. Why what am I doing I'm just in such a mess.

I began to start running I got to the hospital in about 10 minutes it was a 20 minute drive from are house but running is much faster being a Vampire. Even though I hate it I must admit it dose have it advantages.

The car park only had a few cars in it visiting hours where long since over and most people had gone home. My plan was to seek in unnoticed it might not work but it was worth a shot.

I didn't take the lift far to slow and rusk of getting court instead I chose the stairs ruling up them ad fast as I could when I reached the top I must admit I was out of breath a bit.

I looked down at the flowers I had brought with me with the little note that was attached to then. I paused before going any further I took a deep breath and pushed down the handle of Lilly's door.

I suddenly felt someone put there hand on my shoulder I turned round quickly to see who it was.

'Colby? What are you doin-'

'Might ask you the same question. I thought we agreed we would let her be let her get well and move on with her life and us with ares'

'I can't though and neither can she at the moment what if she never wakes up'


Lilly's P.O.V

All I could see was darkness and then light all the struggles of trying to open my eyes had always faild but this time it was different.  I heard voices and they became louder. I suddenly was able to open my eyes I sat up looked around the room.

Where am I ? wait. No. Yes. No. Oh I'm unsure.

I gave my time to focus and I looked around the room I'm in a hospital? But why? I tried to think but my brain just hurt.

Then I heard the voices again. It took me a few minutes to realise they where coming from just out side the door.

I climbed off the bed. As I began to to move closer to the door I realised I was being stopped by something. It wax the chubes  that where stuck in me. I thought about them for a few seconds and then just yanked them out. I know probably a stupid idea but I wasn't really thinking. It didn't seem to hurt me any way.

I walked over to the door and pushed my head against it listening in.

'What are you gonna do next. I mean first you nearly kill her and then I run her over with my car'

I jerked back in shock and waked the chair leg behind me in made aloud shearking sound in the floor.

I quickly jumped back in bed but ur was too late to pretend they had opened the door.

Two boys stood in front of me to very good looking boys might I say but still after what I heard them say I was a bit in a panic. They seamed familiar expashaly the blond one who was holding a bunch of flowers.

'Um are you okay'

'No um stay back I heard what you staid out there about trying to kill me'

'No no we aren't trying to kill you. We aren't going to hurt you your going to be okay'

He took a step closer to be and some reason I freaked out and hissed at him.

Wait no did I just hiss at him i had and he stood wide eyed and the bond hair guy suddenly fainted and fell to the floor. I looked at him shocked.

'What did I do?'

'You have quite a nice pair of fangs there Lilly'


Did he just say fangs no he couldn't have. The brown haired guy chucked me a little hand mirror . I opened it up and looked at myself.  Oh gosh I looked pail I must be ill I'm usually really tand and wait my eyes look all washed out.

'Look at ur teeth'


'Just do it'

I opened up my mouth and was horrified sure enough there in my mouth was to sharp pointed teeth. They didn't looked fake they looked real. Scearly real. But they couldn't be a was a human right? As far as I thought Vampires where was you read about in books and saw on TV.  Surly I hadn't forgotten that.

I looked up at the boy stood in front of me.

'Don't understand'

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