Don't wake Colby up

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Sam's P.O.V

I couldn't sleep it wasn't because I wasn't in my own house because I love Colby's house it is like my second home in away. Though for some reason I couldn't sleep. All could think about was how I had left her.

When I saw her she had looked so beautiful and I had decided it would be her it was just something about her.

I'm- I'm not normal well of corse I'm not I'm a blood sucking monster. What I mean is i feel as though I don't fit in.

I sat up and looked at Colby he lay so peaceful like nothing was wrong. Like had told him a sweat bed time story not that I had told him what a animal I had been.

I stood up and headed for the bedroom door.


I quickly covered my mouth not wanting to wait Colby uo I had stood on a plug. I hate plugs if you have ever stood on one then you will no the pain which I was going through in silence.

I opened the bedroom door and sneaked out. I was met by the lovely Koki she is so cute I love her to bits bit she wanted to she Colby and was scratching at the door.

'No Koki no'

She wined at me it was so cute. I couldn't help bending down and giving her billions strokes. She wagged her tail in happiness. She was so easily pleased unlike me.

I went down the stairs and headed for the back door. Koki followed me down the stairs waging her tail.

When I got there I saw sunlight streaming through. It was day time. Of course it was. I just hadn't seen the sun in a while. It didn't kill me it just made me fill a bit sick and weak.

I decided I wouldn't sit out side after all I would go and sit in the living room and think things through.


Little chapter

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